Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fruit... Friend or Foe?

Another month has come to an end. 

Jean Nidetch
It amazes me how quickly the time glides by; which could feel like a negative experience, but in actual fact it makes me realize how good it is to count another month into my journey of keeping myself on track, at goal and feeling motivated.  Like all lifetime members, I watch my weight fluctuate - and sometimes by a little more that the "allowed" 2LBS the prorgam recommends, but when I am able to credit myself for turning it around, I get a true feeling of being a success at this.  There is no such thing as a perfect Weight Watcher, I am sure that Jean Nidetch, Sarah Fergusson, the Duchess of York and Jennifer Hudson would all agree with that statement; there's only doing the very best that we can with what we have today. 
Tomorrow is ahead of us, yesterday is behind us, but we do have today to focus on - that's why it's called the "present".

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This subject came up  more than once this week in the meeting room.  I think it's time to clear it up! The following are responses directly from the experts at Weight Watchers for FAQ's from members.

Free Fruit on Weight Watchers - what does it really mean?

Zero PointsPlus values does not mean unlimited fruit.   Eat to satisfaction. Be careful about grazing...  

Fruit without PointsPlus values, really?
All fruits are healthy. To emphasize this and to make the plan easier and more flexible, we have made all fruits zero PointsPlus values. To do this, we factored fruit consumption into the new daily PointsPlus Target. We verified that people still lost weight in clinical studies. Yes, fruits have calories. But they are always a good choice, and often the best alternative for a snack. Just be sure to pay attention to how much you are eating—eat until you are satisfied.

Is there a limit on how many servings of fruits and vegetables you should eat per day?
No.  We’d like you to eat at least 5, to fulfill your Good Health Guideline requirement.  We’d be happy if you had a few more, too, because they would probably “crowd out” other, less-great choices. 

When do I have to count my fruit? What if I juice it? Blend it? Mash it? Bake it? Shake it?
If you put a banana in a blender, you still have a banana. But what a minute ago looked like a substantive snack, now looks like a tiny shot. So you might be tempted to add another banana and maybe even some raspberries, a few grapes, that leftover papaya from two days ago and a kiwi, just to fill your glass. 

Juices bypass the body's hunger detectors. Smoothies seem to sit someplace in the middle—more filling than a juice, but easier to consume than plain fruit. If you sat down and drank the smoothie we just described, you've just slurped back 5 or 6 servings of fruit in one sitting. 

Should you count it as zero? Its your choice—how exact do you want to be?. You can count it as zero using the Simple Recipe Math described on page 42 of the Getting Started Book. But if you are drinking a lot of smoothies and you aren't seeing the results you were expecting at the scale, we recommend you put those fruits into the Recipe Builder on eTools and start counting and tracking the PointsPlus values. 

When you juice any fruits (ie removing the pulp and feeding through a juicer) no matter if you do it at home, in the car or on the beach, you no longer have fruit; you have juice and you must count the PPVs. Same is true if you dehydrate the fruits, because you have removed the fiber/water that made fruit such a nice low-energy density treat. 

What if you bake the fruit? Boil it? Microwave it? As long as you don't add any ingredients with PointsPlus values, you still have a zero-PPV treat. Count it as zero. 

As with everything on this program, LET YOUR WEIGHT LOSS BE YOUR GUIDE. (Think of Obi Wan Kenobi "Use the Force Luke")

Why does the Recipe Builder on eTools assign PointsPlus values for fruits and vegetables?
The recipe builder can't tell if you've made a baked apple with cinnamon or banana bread with heavy cream. It only knows you've made something with fruit. At Weight Watchers, we want all of our recipes to be consistent with each other. And we want them all to be consistent with any recipe you might have at home with nutritional information. So we calculate every recipe the same way—we add up all the nutritional info and calculate the PointsPlus values from there. 

This gives you the MOST accurate PointsPlus values. And for really tasty items like banana bread with heavy cream, you probably want that information if you want to see weight-loss results. BTW, this is always how the Recipe Builder worked with zero PointsPlus value vegetables, it just wasn’t as obvious before zero PointsPlus value fruits came along.

Carb Counts of Fruit and Other Popular Foods
I hope the information above helps you to put fruit into perspective with regards to how you use it on a daily basis on the plan.  Fruit does have carbs, as we know, and for the sake of edification, below you'll see the average carb values of some summer fruits and some other popular foods for comparison:
Cherries   4oz                                18g
Peach     4oz  (1 med)                   11g
Watermelon 4 oz                           8.5g
Strawberries 4 oz                           8.5g
Grapes  4 oz                                  20g
Banana 4 oz (1 sml)                      26g

Hamburger Roll                            22g
Whole Wh Pasta 1 C Cooked       38g
Choc Chip Cookie 2 oz (1 lge)     38g   
Pretzel Rods 2 oz (6 reg rods)      48g
Shred Wheat Mini Cereal (1 C)    40g
Regular Vanilla Soft Serve 6 oz   38g

(Information from

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~ Savvy snacking can help manage hunger, boost satisfaction level and help to stay on track.  
Is there a difference between snacking for fuel and having a treat or dessert?

Just as they say in tests... "Discuss"!
I'm curious as to what your definition of "snacks" is and what you nosh on at those times?
This week we'll chat about it and give each other ideas and help to make snacking more "productive" and less "triggersome" - if there is such a word...  I can't wait to see you!

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Since I started with Jean Nidetch - I wanted to end with her words of wisdom.
It was she who said:
"It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny".

Below is a before picture that I have not shared before - taken at sleep away camp on visting day with my youngest nephew.

Check back on Wednesday to get the latest yummy recipe!
See you at your meeting this week.

BEFORE (June 2004)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fab Ratatouille

I hope you're having a wonderful week  --  this week's recipe is one of my absolute favorites because it truly feels like it is made with "pure sunshine".  When made well, it's one of the most flavorful summer dishes.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


PointsPlus™ Value:  2                                  
Servings:  6
Preparation Time:  11 min                         
Cooking Time:  31 min
Level of Difficulty:  Easy

Considered a condiment as well as a side dish, ratatouille hails from the sun-drenched region of Provence in France.

¾ pound raw eggplant, diced into 1/2" cubes
1 tsp table salt
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 medium zucchini, diced into 1/2" cubes
1 medium sweet red pepper, seeded and diced into 1/2" cubes
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed (medium)
¼ cup water
1 LB (about 3 medium) fresh ripe  tomatoes, peeled and chopped
2 Tbsp basil, fresh, shredded
¼ tsp black pepper, freshly ground

Put the eggplant in a colander in the sink and sprinkle with 3⁄4 teaspoon of the salt. Let stand 20 minutes, then rinse under cold water, and pat dry with paper towels.

Prepare  the tomatoes - here is how:  To peel them: boil a couple of pints of water.  In the meantime mark an X in the (non stem) end of each of the tomatoes, scorring through the skin and place them in a deep bowl.  Have a slotted or draining spoon handy and then pour the boiling water over the tomatoes to completely immerse them.  Count to 10, slowly, then one by one remove them and place in a second bowl and run under cold water.  The skin should peel right off.  A gourmand would cut them in half and squeeze out the pips before dicing them up, however, I tend to use the whole fruit.  Dice the tomatoes into about 1/2 to 3/4 " dice.

Heat the oil in a large nonstick saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the eggplant, zucchini, bell pepper, onion, and garlic; cook, stirring constantly, about 1 minute; then add the water.

Reduce the heat and simmer, covered, shaking the pan occasionally, until the vegetables are softened, about 5 minutes. Stir in the tomatoes, basil, pepper, and the remaining 1⁄4 teaspoon salt; simmer, uncovered, until the liquid is evaporated, about 25 minutes. Discard the garlic. Let cool to room temperature before serving. Yields about ¾ cup per serving.

This recipe is delicious served at room temperature. It can easily be doubled;  the flavor only improves with time. 

Come back on Sunday for the next post :)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Take the Summer On with CONFIDENCE!

Wild Weekends reversing your resolve?
Many times during the week, in the meeting room I hear this lament - "I did great all week and then came the weekend" ... and their voice tails off....  It can be a danger zone for so many of us.  We think "it's not going to happen this time" or "how bad can it be"?  

BUT it is easy to slip up or lose track when we are with our BFF's, family members, kids, neighbors or just with a bunch of people who are out for a good time. 
The Community has some great advice for us. 

These are real members with real strategies to stay on track while still having fun:
*** "If I am out and about on a weekend that includes shopping, I actually pack a cooler with stuff that I can nibble on, so I am not tempted to hit the fast food places." 
*** "I used to give myself a day without tracking on the weekends — not a good idea. Instead, I now save most of my 49 weekly PointsPlus values for the weekend (for wine and occasional chips or crackers and cheese, etc.) and I track everything. As a result, I sometimes even go over into my activity PointsPlus values. In sum, I always eat all of my 49 weekly PointsPlus values and yet, I've been losing steadily." 
*** "I track. Even if I overeat. Tracking gives me sanity and will rein me in."
*** "Weekends do not have to be wild! You have choices and 49 extra PointsPlus values to use how you see fit. If I am facing a challenging dinner where I have no idea what is being served, I eat a smaller breakfast and lunch and save my PointsPlus values for that special event. I have found that there is always something you can eat where you are going and bringing a veggie tray with you is a great idea for you and appreciated by your host."
*** "Once I've begun the day with exercise and tracked my breakfast, I hate to 'blow' the day by overeating — this is true of many days.  Plus, at any event I attend now, I bring along a veggie tray, and I sit close to that. I think the key is being committed to a healthy lifestyle."
*** "I choose the healthiest options at the party. If you can, try eating a little low PointsPlus value soup or something light before going, that way you won't be so tempted to eat everything in sight if you're famished. Also drink water in between every alcoholic beverage."
*** "having a phone with Internet access is very helpful. I can easily escape to a bathroom and look up PointsPlus values if there is a surprise eating outing."  
*** "On the weekends we take the time to plan. For example, I speak with my hubby about where we're going to go to eat and go online to look up their menu and do some math. It is amazing how much help it is to walk into a restaurant and not need to look at the menu! You've done the work, you've made the decision and if you don't open the menu, you can't change your mind, and you stay on track!"

So many of us focus our summer plans with family or friends around meals: "Come over for a barbecue," "Meet me at a restaurant," "Let’s get brunch." 
Have you ever wished you'd love to be able to come up with a fun alternative to "let's get food" as your second nature?  That an alternative social event would just pop into your brain when the question is asked?

It can be hard to train our brain to consider ways to socialize that don’t involve food or drinks. And it can seem equally challenging, even intimidating, to ask our friends and family to get on board with this new way of spending quality time together.
This coming week 
explore fun ways to spend time with friends and family that don’t involve eating. Come with your ideas and experiences.  We'll also spend time discussing ways to ask the people around us to support this new way of thinking. 


Since this blog topic is all about toughing it out in in the summer months to make it though to the other side; I just wanted to share that so far, in the month of July, I have been able to celebrate members who have had:

a 65 LB weight loss, 
a 60 LB weight loss, 
2 x 50 LB weight losses.
I have also celebrated 
5 members with weight losses between 25 LBS and 40 LBS lost.  
Two members have made goal and one has become a lifetime member during the month, too!

Many Many Congratulations to all those fantastically successful members!


New universal Weight Watchers app runs on iPads and iPhones 

Gone are the days of squinting at the smaller iPhone app on your luxuriously spacious iPad screen. We’ve just launched our new “universal app” that lets iPad users live large—and still works on the iPhone, too. With the new app, which has a brand-new user interface as well as an updated food database, iPad and iPhone users can track PointsPlus® values, search for foods, activities, and recipes, and track their weight on the go. 

And for all the cooks in the house, the universal app gives users the ability to rate and review recipes, just as you can on the site. This feature is free for all eTools users who have iPads. Just head to Apple’s App store, search for Weight Watchers, and hit download. It’s that easy.  

NOTE: All of our official apps are published under our legal name “Weight Watchers International, Inc.” If it doesn’t bear that name, it’s not ours, and it may very well be inaccurate and misleading; it also will not work with eTools. Read Buyer Beware for more details.

Don't forget to send me your ideas and suggestions to include in the "Insider Trading" Tab and ...

PLEASE make a special effort to come to your meeting this week.  I miss you when you're not there.

Check back on Wed for another fab recipe :)

Enjoy your week ... And finally:
"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
Maria Robinson

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Really Easy Shrimp & Pasta Salad Supper

This shrimp and pasta salad takes minutes to put together once you have done all the prep.  To speed up getting supper to the table make the pasta and dressing ahead of time and then add the shrimp and cucumber just before serving.

The best way to thaw shrimp is overnight in the refrigerator.  You can weigh it frozen so that you only thaw what you need and can save the rest in it's frozen state.  If you don't have enough time to thaw it overnight, you can also run it under COLD water in a colander, tossing it in the colander for 2 or 3 minutes, then drain it really well and pat dry with paper towels.

This recipe is adapted from a recipe that was publised in a 2007 recipe booklet from Weight Watchers called "Savoring Summer".  I updated the recipe and recalculated the PointsPlus Values utilizing the recipe builder on e-Tools.
Makes 2 Servings
Points Plus Value 9 per serving

4 oz whole wheat bow ties, cooked
2 Tbsp prepared olive tapenade
3 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 or 3 Tbsp chopped fresh herbs (use any that you have; chives, parsley, tarragon, basil or dill or mix 2 together)
1.5 tsp grated lemon zest
dash of cayene pepper (optional)
8 oz frozen peeled cooked baby shrimp, thawed
1 cup cucumber, peeled, seeded and diced into small dice

Prepare the pasta according to the package instructions, leave out the salt if you prefer not to add extra salt (the olive tapenade is salty).  Drain in a colander, then rince under cold water to cool.

In a large mixing bowl, mix the tapenade and the lemon juice together and "whisk" to combine with a fork.  Add the herbs, lemon zest and pepper then the pasta, shrimp and cucumber and toss to coat.  Refrigerate for about 30 minuutes to allow the flavors to develop.

Serve on a bed of mixed baby greens and ripe sliced fresh delicious heirloom tomato.  I add a 1/4 of an avocado on my plate for extra creaminess (and an additional 2 PPV) just because its one my favorite salad ingredients!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Star of the Show

What has Carmen Miranda got to do with Weight Watchers?  

Of course, she is remembered for the "Fruit Hat" she wore in the 1943 movie "The Gang's All Here", just one of the more than 20 movies she made throughout her career; from 1928 to 1955.  When I think of Carmen Miranda - I totally remember those huge red lips - that smile - and THE HAT!  Almost as if the hat is the star! 

So - a leap, I know - but to me that makes fruit (and by extension; veggies) stars in their own right.  It elevates them to a new level of importance and helps me to smile as I am cutting fruit and veggies to include in a meal or salad.

Pic borrowed from my CSA -
Warner Farms
It was a good few years ago that I came to the realization that including a LOT of veggies and fruits in my eating day; helped me to totally placate my hunger pangs.  If my tummy feels like it has a tenant, it takes my mind off the (otherwise constant) search for something delicious to consume!  Two things happened (a) I came to crave the fresh and delicious, seasonal veggies and fruits over the [less good / more processed] options and (b) suddenly other foods did not necessarily make me feel as if my tummy was full.  Oh, and by the way, I also realized that sweet flavor today is defined by a great strawberry!  Oh, and also by the way - I don't have to pay ANY PointsPlus Values for the strawberries either!  How great is that????

Making changes to our eating habits (or any other habits, for that matter) take time and determination.  So many of our behaviors are patterns that are firmly set in place, try by adding one or two extra servings of veggies or fruits on some days and see if it makes a difference to how you feel and what else you are eating on those days.  Change it up - if you've never eaten beets; try them.  If you think something in the supermarket looks interesting or crazy, ask someone to tell you about it and just go for it!

This coming week - lets look at a totally different food group and see how it impacts our ability to manage our weight.  How about we talk about picnics, barbecues and COCKTAILS?  Oh My!

BY THE WAY – it’s easy to tell ourselves over the summer that we’re too busy to make it to the meeting and that since weight loss is so hard anyway, it’s not “worth it” .

I challenge that thinking! 
Even if your weight loss slows and you go into a maintenance phase for a few weeks, isn’t maintaining better than gaining a few pounds and then having to face working it off in the fall? 

Don’t let your “OLD BEHAVIOR PATTERNS” determine your journey for you – you have a choice to do it differently this year!  I promise you; many members have told me they’re eating ice cream and drinking wine and beers and still losing weight – if you want the same you need a meeting to brainstorm the “how to” and that happens at meetings!

In the meeting rooms this week - look out for the NEWEST addition to the mini-bar family.  My friend Heidi says this bar changed her life!  They're better than SAMOAS --- they're called "Toasted Coconut Dream" and they're on SALE.  Take a look at the "Purchase Your Favorites" tab at the top.


Five- A -Day
by Cindy Brown - WW Leader

(sorry - could not resist that one)

See you at your meeting!

Some you peel. Some you don’t.
Some you love.  Some you won’t.
Have some with breakfast
Some with your lunch
Or in between meals
To have some crunch!

Include one with Dinner
In order to win
At always getting
Five-A-Day in!

LETTUCE have a great week!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Salad, Salad and Another Salad

3 Salads - all very easy!

I feel guilty that I did not get to make a posting on Wed as promised - so to alleviate my guilt I am offering up 3 simple summer salads  :)

Cucumber Salad
Makes 4 servings
1 PPV per serving.
5 simple ingredients come together to make a fresh and healthy salad.  Based on the Indian sauce called Cucumber Raita so it pairs well with hot and spicy foods as well as grilled chicken or fish.  It is a salad - not a sauce - so keep the cucumber cubes at a size that works well for salad.  

2 medium English cucumber (about 6 or 7" long)
3 or 4 Tbsp chopped fresh mint
3 or 4 Tbsp finely chopped chives
1/3 C plain, fat free yogurt, I usually use Greek, but any will do just great
2 Tbsp lime juice, I use it from the plastic bottle

Peel and chop the cucumber into even sized cubes then chop the herbs and mix all the ingredients together.  Taste it and add salt and pepper to your palate.

Sometimes I add a little kick with red pepper flakes, sometimes I change out the mint for dill or cilantro.

Corn Salad
Makes 4 servings
2 PPV per serving.
This is my version of corn salad and it changes every time I make it, but I keep the PPV low by not adding any other ingredients that are starchy or oily.

2 ears of corn, cooked (sometimes I steam them and then char them on the grill to give them a slight roasted flavor).  Sometimes I use canned or frozen corn - in which case you want about 3/4 C for 4 servings.
1 med fresh red pepper (or half a red and half an orange mixed together)
1 large or 2 med fresh tomatoes
2 or 3 Tbsp fresh basil (or cilantro or sage)
2 or 3 Tbsp fresh parsley
2 or 3 Tbsp chopped chives

Dressing is 2 or 3 Tbsp of lime juice or rice wine vinegar and 2 tsp (measured) of the best olive oil I have.  Add salt and a dash of cayenne pepper,  Mix it all together and whisk to combine.

Remove the cooked corn from the cob.  Dice the peppers and tomatoes into even sized cubes.  Finely chop all the herbs.  Mix everything together and add the dressing.  Refrigerate the salad for about an hour to allow the flavors to combine.

Alternate Bean Salad
Makes 4 servings
3 PPV per serving.
Very very simple bean salad with only 4 ingredients.  You'll see that I only use 1/2 a can of each of the canned beans because I like to keep some back to use on tossed leafy salads, but this recipe is so easy you can use all the beans and double the number of servings.  BTW - sometimes I give it an extra kick with a dash or two of hot sauce...

3/4 C green or white wax beans (or mixed) cut into about 1 inch pieces and lightly cooked
1/2 can (7 oz) red kidney beans
1/2 can (7 oz) garbanzo beans
1/4 C medium or hot tomato salsa

Mix everything together and place in the fridge for about an hour to allow the flavors to develop.

Let me know if there are any quick and easy salad recipes you make.  I'll happily run them through the recipe builder on the WW website and repost them on the "Insider Trading" page.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

If It Is To Be ...

...It Is Up To Me!
This week we looked at the resources we already have to help make our weight management efforts effective.  Each meeting seemed to deal with the topic differently, but a lot of meetings discussed the truth that so many of us already know; how our own heads get in our way and what ways we can help ourselves to get past that!

It seems like whenever we hear of a celeb losing weight, we think "Well, if only I had a personal trainer, a chef, a 24/7 nanny, I'd be able to do that too!"  It's so easy to get caught up by the "if only ..." thinking or the "I wish I had / I wish I could have ...".  

We talked about how we can rely on practical tools to help us get past that; such as exercise videos online or utilizing the exercise routines offered on cable TV or DVD's (borrow them from the public library to keep the cost down).  Many of us use E-Tools to look for new and different ideas and recipes to cook.  The tools online can also help simplify meal preparation so it becomes a "breeze".  

I was also impressed that members shared unequivocally, that coming to meetings and swapping ideas was by far the #1 resource available to them - if you are skipping meetings; truly you are missing out.

For any of this to be effective, you have to believe in your ability to make it happen.  YOU have the POWER to change the outcome.  Set yourself a small goal and begin to work towards it - today, right now in this VERY moment! 

My favorite "10 Little Words" - this is a mantra I use all the time... If  It  Is  To  Be,  It  Is  Up  To  Me!   - Author Unknown.
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By the Way:  You MUST come this week, you simply can't miss it; we are talking about FOOD (so don't come hungry), especially about fruit and veggies AND, your Weight Watchers Weekly this week has 8 Recipes (actually, 9, if you count the one at the back advertising the WW Yogurt).  9 RECIPES!  Can you say WoWzA?

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Products on SALE this week
(take a look at the "Purchase your Favorites!" Tab above)
If you are a member in a WORK PLACE (At Work) meeting, email me at least the day before your meeting if you want SALE items so I can make sure I have them on board for you...
Thanks  :)

Usual Price $7.50     ON SALE FOR $4.95 
SMOOTHIE FLAVORS  *  Creamy Chocolate  *  French Vanilla  *  Strawberry Banana  *
 Usual Price $7.50     ON SALE FOR $4.95 
2 PPV MINI BAR FLAVORS  *  Peanut Butter Bliss  *  Mint Cookie Crisp  *  Chocolate Pretzel Blast  *  Lemon Mousse Pie  *  Dark Chocolate Turtle  *  Chocolate Caramel  *  AND making it's debut next week; super delicious, paradisaical (is there such a word) Toasted Coconut Dream  *

Usual Price $5.95     ON SALE FOR $4.95 
INSTANT OATMEAL FLAVORS  *  Maple Brown Sugar  *  Baked Apple Cinnamon  *

Complete Food Companion, Dining Out Companion, Ultimate 3-Month Journal, “Ready Set Go” Cookbook, Beautiful Organizer Cover and $20 Value in Redeemable Coupons.   PLUS A BONUS Voucher for FREE PointsPlus TM Calculator.
    Usually Retails at    $44.95   $10 OFF ON SALE FOR   $34.95
ESSENTIAL MEMBER KIT – Contains Essential Tools:
Complete Food Companion, Dining Out Companion, Ultimate 3-Month Journal
and over $20 Value in Redeemable Coupons.
     Usually Retails at  $24.95     $5 OFF ON SALE FOR   $19.95

Reintroduced Product:
I told you last week that we were imminently expecting the arrival of the MINI GINGER SNAP COOKIES from the warehouse.  Well, guess what . . . they're here!  And, they are as great as I remember from last year.  They're $2.50 per box (3 pre-portioned pouches per box).  Sweet and Spicy! Simply Delicious!

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Something you should know:
BRAVO stickers are an acknowledgement of a behavior change that has led to a shift in how you approach your weight management journey.  If I don't offer you a BRAVO and you think you deserve it - be sure to claim it from me!

There is always a little item on the back of the "WW Weekly" to highlight members who have claimed theirs.  You could be featured on the reverse too - email your story to

Check out the "Insider Trading" Tab above; there are some new ideas posted from contributions from members.  Please send me anything you'd like to include so other members can benefit from your wisdom too.

See you at your meeting

Be sure to check back on Wednesday for the recipe of the week.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hummus Salad Dressing

 1/4 C store-bought hummus
1 1/2 Tbsp Dijon mustard
1/8 C balsamic vinegar
1/8 C hot (not boiling) water
1 Tbsp white or brown sugar (or use Splenda)
Pinch kosher salt (optional)
Cracked black pepper to taste
1/8 C olive oil
1 clove garlic, well minced or pushed through a garlic press
1/4 C scallions, thinly sliced

Mix all the ingredients together and whisk well.  Place in the refrigerator for about an hour to cool and allow the flavors to develop.

Serve over crisp green salad.

Servings                8
PointsPlus Value     2

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Vaca from WW or WW on vaca?


Have you given any thought to what you want your goal to be for the summer events, whether it's a one day, weekend, week or longer?  

When we kick back and relax during these times it is so easy to get off track.   My point this week has been that we can so easily fall into "all or nothing" thinking, giving ourselves permission to do nothing at all because we can't reach THAT bar!  And then, of course, we lose the impetus to continue when we come home - the recovery is too hard.  So many members disappear on me at this time and it truly makes me sad because we really care about you and hope to be there at the really tough times for you.

So - what can we do?
1.  Plan ahead before leaving for the event; what does that mean to you?
     -  Ask yourself the $64,000,000 question and really answer it... "What's my goal for this; is this a vacation at which I expect to lose, do I want to maintain my current position or is it okay to gain a pound or two as long as I make the commitment to myself to 'fix' it when I get home"?
     -  Give some thought to how you are spending your PointsPlus Values in the days leading up to going away.
     -  What WW tools, snacks, electronics, books or other materials will you plan to pack?  Pedometer, PP Calculator, Dining Out Companion, Pocket Guide, Clicker, Magazine, Peanut Butter Bliss or Cheddar Twists?
     -  How about some research on the destination, exercise opportunities, local restaurants, is there a local supermarket you can easily get to?  Don't forget to bring your coupons!

2.  On vacation... strategies are?
     -  There is a great article on the Weight Watchers website that sorta says it ... click the link to go to the article.  10 Ways to Avoid Vacation Weight Gain
     -  Get the "buy in" from those you are with to help you keep your resolve.
     -  I allow myself at least one "fun" and delicious treat every day - I do not do well with feeling deprived, but I still try to keep some thoughts of being responsible for what I put in my mouth.  I am trying to say; I will definitely enjoy an ice-cream; favorite flavor, full of cream and sugar - size small or kiddie, but I would NOT buy or eat a 24oz sundae!

3.  On return - FIRST THINGS FIRST:
     -  Make a beeline for the grocery store.  Power foods are your best friends right now.
     -  Walk anyone?  What time does the gym stay open until?  How great would you feel if you could come to a meeting and say - when we got home, before I even unpacked I hit the gym and came home via the grocery store.
     -  Some say "be brave; get on the scale".
     -  Come to your VERY next meeting; we're here to help.

I hear the click of the Paparazzi
Camera's already!  You look
mahvelos dahling!

Have you ever thought that it would be so much easier to lose weight like a celebrity?  Oh, what a lifestyle ... chefs, nannies, personal fitness experts plus other staff to make life such a breeze.  If only... right?  Does it guarantee success?

We have so many resources available to us "ordinary mortals", lets think about what we do have to keep our feet on the ground and our weight under control.  We definitely have more at our finger-tips that we realize; lets brainstorm together to figure out what we can use to help us stay motivated to lose those pesky pounds!

Our belief system makes such a huge difference to  our outcomes. 


Don't forget to check back on Wednesday for this week's recipe.

The tabs at the top are packed with fun and useful information!

News from Weight Watchers

Housekeeping things:

Weight Watchers is CLOSED on
Monday 4th July in observance of
America's Birthday

Great News
Both the essential member kit and the deluxe versions are going on Sale this week:

With the Deluxe Member Kit, you’ll have the right information to navigate every aspect of the Weight Watchers PointsPlus Plan. 
Included:  Complete Food Companion; Dining Out Companion; Ultimate 3 Month Tracker; Voucher for PointsPlus Calculator and Ready, Set, Go! Cookbook; available exclusively in the Deluxe Member Kit.
Normally Sells for $44.95 - Sale price is $34.95

A Weight Watchers® member must have!  Member Kit have the essential tools for success. 
Included:  Complete Food Companion; Dining Out Companion; Ultimate 3 Month Tracker

Normally Sells for $24.95 - Sale price is $19.95

Not on Sale - but still a fun item:
LOOK for the blue faux croc book jacket for sale at your meeting          $5.95

You can protect—and conceal—your Ultimate 3 Month Tracker and Pocket Guide with this fun cover! Each jacket can fit one or the other—just slide the materials in to cut down on the wear and tear of the books and to help make tracking PointsPlus values more discreet.

Oh, and by the way, the Weight Watchers Mini Ginger Snaps Cookies are flying out to a meeting room near you any day now - YOU KNOW these are my favorite cookies!  They're $2.50 per box and there are 3 pouches per box at 3PPV per pouch.  Not just my favorites - here is a review I found online:
7/29/2010 3:50 PM
OMG I love the gingersnap cookies. I just purchased them for the first time and was doubting whether they would be "gingery" enough. Well yuuummmmm WW this is a great food find.

They're a "limited edition" product that is offered only once or twice a year - get 'em when you see em!  Don't miss the opportunity to pick yours up.