Sunday, September 18, 2011

Laissez Faire or Rigorous?

Change is hard.  It can seem like the longer we spend time thinking about it, the harder it feels.  My mother used to say "The thought is worse than the deed!"  In other words -- Just get on with it!

She was always right, when it comes to making a change in ourself, it's not MAGIC, there is a defined set of steps that we take.  Mostly it happens organically, but knowing the steps can help us to take at least the first one or two to get the process going.

This post is called "Laissez Faire or Rigorous?" because when we leave it to chance, we often get a less than best results, disappointing, right?   Have you noticed how that can loosen our efforts. rather than strengthening our resolve to do better?

So here is the bottom line - resolve to make changes to behaviors associated with the program - start with one or two behaviors.  Certainly, I am not advocating that folks try to become "perfectionists", but I am saying increase your focus on one then the next then the next behavior and that, specifically, will make the difference.

The stages of change.
Here are the stages we go through when making a change:
1.  Realization- we become aware that there is a change that can be made or ought to be made to alter the outcome.  "I realize that when I shop better, I eat better and get a better result at the scale "Humphrey!""
2.  Environment- making a change in our direct environment will get the "change ball" rolling.  "Adding a small wipe off white board onto the kitchen wall allows me to start a shopping list when foods I rely on are running low"
3.  Practice the behavior- don't get mad at yourself if you don't do the behavior perfectly at first, keep doing it.  "Try and remember to jot down items you need to buy next time you are making a market run".
4.  Belief- perhaps weeks into it, at some point, when we begin to see results or we see that the behavior is giving us something in return, we begin to hone it and make it our own.  "Shopping better actually cuts down on needless eating, makes bringing snacks with me easier, saves me money and helps at the scale - I am beginning to not fear weighing-in.  Nice "Humphrey!""
5.  Identity-  Owning the behavior and seeing it as an integral part of what we do now.  "I am now a planner when it comes to shopping for good foods and I would not go back to winging it - it feels too good to do it this way and so haphazard the way I was doing it before".


Someone asked me to post the  "Just one Pound" Poem.
I have - it is under the "Insider Trading" Tab.
Look at the top of this page.


This is the last week of the sale of Mini-Bars, Smoothies and Oatmeal.  Take a look at the "Purchase Your Favorites" Tab at the top of this page for pricing and selection.


A simple tweet, update or check-in by YOU will help us fight hunger 

On September 19, being social can make a difference. That’s the date of Weight Watchers® Lose-A-Palooza, a special one-day social media event designed to increase the donation to to Weight Watchers Lose For Good® campaign.
How it works: For 24 hours only, every approved mention or acknowledgment of “Lose For Good” by members on Twitter, on Facebook, on blogs, as well as check-ins to meeting locations on Facebook Places and our official Lose For Good Community Challenge on, Weight Watchers will donate $1, up to $75,000, as part of our Lose For Good donation to our charitable partners.

How to get involved:  spread the good by taking as many approved social actions as you can on Monday September 19.   Visit Weight Watchers® Lose-A-Palooza for a list of all approved social actions that count toward the donation. 

Want to work with us?
As I am closing this blog post, I just want to remind you that if you are at goal or within 10 LBS -  you are eligible for consideration as a staff member.  

Weight Watchers only recruits from the meeting room and we would love to have your endorsement of the program by your coming and sharing what you have learned from the journey you have taken  :).  

Ask me for more information or go to the careers website



Finding Time for Weight Loss 
by Pam Finkelman
We find the time
For shopping trips,
To text our friends,
Fix nails that chip

We find the time
To be a fan,
To coach a team
And drive the van

We find the time
For Facebook views,
To play a game
Or take a snooze

We find the time
To read a book
Post our pics,
Bait a hook

If we find time
To watch the ‘Wives
We can find time
To change our lives!

See you in your meeting this week :)
Check back to the blog on Wednesday for my recipe of the week...

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