Thursday, June 30, 2011

7 Layer Dip; Enlightened!

(Photo borrowed from the Internet)
If you are planning to make dip this weekend to bring to the party, here is a way that you can make it lighted delicious and fresh.  

The entire dish works out to be approximately 30 PointsPlus Values, so based on that you will have to figure out how much you are willing to eat (and count).

Here you are: layer by layer:
Read the whole recipe FIRST there are a few extra ingredients you will need - I have highlighted all the ingredients for you.

Take a glass dish (approximately 7 or 8 inches in diameter and at least 3" deep)

Layer 1
1 x 14.5 oz can refried beans

Layer 2
1 whole ripe avocado; you will mash this roughly in a separate dish and add about 2 Tbsp of lemon or lime juice and about 2 Tbsp chopped cilantro (if you don't have fresh, you can get frozen cubes at Trader Joe's) and a little salt.

Layer 3
1/2 cup sliced green onions

Layer 4
1 1/2 c mixed diced tomatoes and sweet peppers in small dice (tomatoes can be chunky; 1/2" size but the peppers really should be about half that size).  Use any color peppers, the more the merrier, and make sure the tomatoes are fresh.  Mix it all and add about 2 Tbsp of lemon or lime juice and 2 tsp of olive oil.

Layer 5
1 c (8 oz) fat free sour cream or use 8 oz fat free plain greek or regular yogurt mix the sour cream or yogurt with 2 dashes of your favorite hot sauce.

Layer 6
15 ripe kalamata olives; yes, I do count them, cut them into halves or quarters.

Layer 7 
3 oz Weight Watchers reduced fat shredded Mexican style cheese.

Refrigerate it until you need it.

3 PPV for 15 Chips
Cut into tortilla sized triangle pieces for 0 PPV
Now - what to eat it with?

or go radical and cut up some granny smith apples or jicama

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Routine Interruptus!

This week:
When we take a vacation from work and routine, we often take a vacation from our weight management efforts too.  Once we veer off track, it can be difficult to get back on plan.  A weight gain after vacation can break the momentum, sap our motivation and undermine our confidence in ourselves that we are capable of doing this.  Unfortunately, I have noticed over the summer months that some members even give up on their weight goals altogether.

I'd love to discuss some strategies for handling the disruptions and interruptions to our routines, specially vacations.  We should also look at the importance of staying connected to our weight management efforts while away from home and commit to what we can or are willing to do - perhaps one thing consistently each day so that we feel like we have control and are still connected.  I want to throw out the suggestion that"ALL OR NOTHING" doesn't necessarily work in these circumstances - agree?
So ask yourself "Is it inevitable that you will gain weight while on vacation"  Why or Why not?  Come to the meeting this week and let's examine it from all angles.
:-(   Hungry OR Happy  :-)

Have you noticed that a "trigger food" can bring out the hungry monster inside your head?
As we head into the summer months (we had the longest day this week ... did you see me smiling?) there are sooooo many foods around to trigger us and aren't they just delicious?  The "rub" is that they're so pointerrific.

Consider an afternoon at the BBQ:
  • 4 oz nachos - 6 PointsPlus Values (PPV)
  • 1 hot dog on bun - 6 PPV
  • 1/2 c. potato salad - 8 PPV
  • 3 oz BBQ ribs - 11 PPV
  • Sml slice of blueberry pie - 10 PPV
  • 1 regular beer - 5 PPV
  • 1/2 c. premium ice-cream - 8 PPV
TOTAL PPV = 54 - that's FIFTY FOUR and I DID NOT eat any other of the hors d'oeuvres, a juicy cheesy hamburger, the macaroni salad or a baked potato with sour cream.  I only had ONE dessert (okay - not counting the ice-cream) and ONE beer.  Fifty Four - sheesh!

Why are we looking at this?  For-armed is for-warned - right?  Have you ever arrived at the BBQ with the best intentions; ate a great breakfast and even had an apple in the car on the way there - and then when you arrive and see all the food, the hungry monster surfaces?  All heck breaks loose and you and the monster are off to the races?

So - what will you do about that next time?
Members in the meeting suggest:
~ Positive Self Talk - telling me "I can do this and I'll feel very proud of myself when I do"  "the scale is going to be my friend this week"
~ Anchors - bring something to anchor you to the program - something your leader has given you or something you know reminds you to stick with it.
~ Wear fitted clothing
~ Bring something you can rely on; something you enjoy eating
~ Go and shoot hoops with the kids or jump in the pool
~ Pace yourself
~ Eat your veggies first
~ Make room in your budget for the pointerrific foods you REALLY want.
~ Add your own suggestion ________________________________

And when we did not do as well as we wanted?
the NUMBER one suggestion from the meeting room was - FORGIVE YOURSELF and get right back on track
Because of the tremendous interest in the Walk!t Challenge and the run on pedometers, some members were disappointed, finding we were out of stock, when they tried to purchase theirs with the $5 OFF coupon.  Weight Watchers is extending the expiration date for the coupon until July 16.  There are now plenty in stock and the price with the coupon is $18.95 - well worth it!
You may be wondering - what's the big deal about this pedometer over someone else's?
This one is made for us; it is THE ONLY pedometer that can count your activity PointsPlus Values in addition to steps and distance!  It's a great motivator to watch the progress bar fill up as you walk your way to earned activity value.  I wear mine pretty much every day and try to fulfill my [self-imposed] goal of 10,000 steps!
I have some extra coupons, so, if you have lost yours, at the time of your purchase I'll furnish you with a replacement.  I am also ACE at setting up the pedometers, so ask me if you want some assistance!

Weight Watchers will be closed on Monday 4 July - but we shall be there for you on Sunday and Tuesday!  No need to miss a meeting.  If you would like to attend a different meeting for any reason and you are not sure how to look up where there is an alternative place, day or time, click this link to the Weight Watchers MEETING FINDER site and simply plug in the zip code or town and state to find a local meeting.

Check back HERE on Wednesday for the recipe of the week

Oh, one more thing:

My Declaration of THINDEPENDENCE:
When, in the course of my life, it becomes necessary for me to end an unhealthy relationship with food and eating, I know that I have the strength to do that.

After all, I have the right to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.  I should not have to feel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, and I refuse to feel that way anymore.  I know losing weight is hard.   I have an especially hard time with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .  But it is worth it to me to dedicate myself to the task of losing weight, and I will do what it takes to meet my goal of _ _ _ _ _.  I am dedicated to my plan for weight loss, and to get there, I will _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, I will _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , and I will _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

NOW is MY time and I WILL make it happen.  This is My Declaration of Independence from an overweight lifestyle.  I am free at last!  

Let the fireworks begin!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Watermelon and Feta Salad

The original version of this salad is attributed to Nigella Lawson, a great cook and a sometime host on the FOOD Network.  The first time I encountered it, I have to say, I was a little weary because the ingredients just don't seem to sit together.  I was wrong - it is refreshing and fabulous and has become a summer staple in my home.  Here is a lightened-up version of Nigella's original.  Enjoy!

Course:                  Side Dish
PointsPlus Value:  3 per serving
Servings:                4
Preparation Time:  less than 10 minutes
Level of Difficulty:  Easy

~ 4 cups watermelon, chopped into 1" cubes
~ 3 or 4 slices of red onion rings, separate the layers
~ 2 oz fat-free feta cheese crumbles or diced into small (1/4") dice
~ 8 pitted Kalamata olives cut into halves or quarters
~ 12 or 14 leaves of fresh mint; torn into strips not cut with a blade
~ 12 or 14 sprigs of flat leaf parsley; "picked", meaning remove the stalks and leave the leaves intact
~ 3 or 4 Tbsp lime juice
~ 1 Tbsp olive oil
~ Salt and Pepper to taste

I like to "build the salad" by first mixing the oil and lime juice in a medium sized bowl, tossing the watermelon in the liquid and then arranging it onto a flatish platter or oval dish.  After that, just sprinkle the rest of the ingredients on top so that you get the contrasts of color and textures evenly dotted around the dish.  Don't make too far in advance and serve at room temperature.

You'll be able to save any leftovers for a day, but it doesn't keep all that well so make just enough for what you need.  You can, however, cut the watermelon into cubes and prep the other ingredients ahead of time and save them in the fridge "undressed" to put the salad together as you need it.

Check back in to the blog on Sunday for next week's post.
Enjoy the rest of your week.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Weight Watchers and the UDSA are of ONE MIND in terms of what makes eating healthy.  The new icon representing the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 for a healthier life is the PLACE SETTING that you see on the left side.

Portions (proportions) and food groups are highlighted - and the USDA does make the point that this is the guideline for ALL Americans; the entire populous - not just the weight loss constituency. That means that we see this in the context of what we are doing and also that we need to keep in perspective that Weight Watchers is the program that teaches us to live WITH FOOD, rather than trying to coax us to live WITHOUT IT.  In other words we have to see the new place icon in conjunction with our entire life, but not least of which spending a few of our PointsPlus Values on the cookies and treats, but also, most importantly, adding in the "GET UP AND GO" piece of the Weight Watchers Program.

Remember - Weight Watchers is a 4-Pronged plan
"Use your Daily PointsPlus Target"  portion control - have you noticed how, if you eat the types of foods on the plate in the correct proportions and watch what you spend on a daily basis on each of the food groups, portion control simply falls into place?   How many of your daily PointsPlus Values do you spend on each of the food types you eat
- how many on healthy oil, on dairy, on proteins, on carbs, on sugary foods, alcohol and other treats?
Try analyzing it to see.  It could help you figure out the correct portions.

"Power-Up Using the Power Foods" which, by the way are the foods represented on the icon; Lean Proteins, Whole Grains, Fat-free or Low Fat Dairy, Fruits and Vegetables :)
"Treat Yourself"
"Get Up and Go"

Here are the talking points from the website:

Balancing Calories:
  ~ Enjoy your food, but eat less
  ~ Avoid oversized portion
Foods to Increase:
  ~ Make half your plate fruits and vegetables
  ~ Make at least half your grains whole
  ~ Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk
Foods to Reduce:
  ~ Compare sodium in foods soup, bread, and frozen meals -- and chose the foods with lower numbers
  ~ Drink water instead of sugary drinks

This the the "Tip of the Day" from the USDA's website:
On a long commute or shopping trip, pack some fresh fruit, cut-up vegetables, string cheese sticks, or a handful of unsalted nuts-to help you avoid impulsive, less healthful snacks.

If this interests you; spend some time looking over the UDSA website - but more importantly, keep coming to meetings for more information, to share your experiences, and to get ideas from how fellow members use this and the other info out there to help us improve the results we are experiencing with our weight management tasks

Think about making one change to your eating routine this week:  Increase whole grains, cut back on saturated or animal fats or choose one extra vegetable a day.  Lets do it together, right now ...  make JUST ONE change and promise yourself to stick with it for the whole week, what's it going to be?  I bet you could see an improved result next week...

Next week:
Are you really HUNGRY or is that just a monster inside?
There are many reasons why we tend to eat.  Our bodies may need food; we may go by the clock, sitting down for meals on a schedule whether our tummy's are rumbling or not; or we may eat in response to emotions.  Intellectually, we know, that eating when we are NOT hungry leads to overeating and hinders weight loss - so why do we do it and what can we do to stop ourselves?

You'll leave this meeting with a doable GOAL to see if you can change a behavior this week in this regard.

Lets also include in the discussions this week, the food fests we have coming up.   Not all emotional eating is about stress and boredom - sometimes it's celebratory too, and so the long weekends and vacations we are planning are very much a part of this - yes?

Newsy Stuff

Correction to the Weight Watchers Weekly:
I have been asked to let you know that we caught an error in this week's edition of the Weight Watchers Weekly (June 12-18 edition).  On page 9, the correct PointsPlus Value for 1 cup of rice with 1 Tbsp of butter should be 8, not 10.  You can check for updates and corrections to the Weekly Magazine at
o o o o OO  OOO  OO o o o o
Weight Watchers Meeting Room Fees:
For members who attend meetings in the community - not in work based programs - and who pay fees weekly;  as of this coming week, the "waived missed meetings fee" promotion has come to an end so we are required to charge for missed meetings.  However, you should know that all members receive a grace of 3 missed meetings every 6 months, so if you have been coming regularly and are in good standing with your "grace period" missed meetings, we can still waive the fee.

 If you are concerned about the cost of meetings; and we're all watching our budgests right now, so that's understandable, this is the perfect time to switch over to the MONTHLY PASS payment option.  The Monthly Pass, gives you all your meeting fees plus access to the subscriber portion of the website - "e-Tools", which so many of us LOVE!  Monthly Pass gives members the absolute MOST for their weight loss buck!

Here are some of the benefits of "e-tools"; you should ask members in the meeting what they love about it too:
1.  track your food, weight and activity by clicking on the tool icons,
2.  keep it fresh by reading the lastest articles, recipes and meeting topics of the week,
3.  play with the interactive cheat sheets, look for top picks and weight loss strategies,
4.  check out the customized content section that has a weekly check list, essential information and great recipes to try,
5. use the new beta analytical tools to check how you are progressing - takes the guesswork out of figuring out your progress and brings some real fundamental data into play.

Did you notice the new tabs above?"Insider Trading"  is YOUR page - please go and take a look  :)

We are closed, as expected, on Monday 4 July - but are open for business all days leading into and out of the holiday.


“You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'”
George Bernard Shaw.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Chunky Gazpacho Pasta Salad

PREP 15 minutes / COOK 10 minutes / YIELD 9 cups / SERVES 6
SERVING SIZE: 1.5 cups; PointsPlus Value per serving: 5

Make the dressing by whisking together
  • 1/2 C Tomato Juice
  • 2 TBSP Balsamic Vinegar
  • 2 tsp E V Olive Oil
  • 1 tsp Hot Sauce
  • 1 Clove Garlic
and set aside.

Cook 1/2 lb (8oz) Whole Wheat Penne Pasta according to package directions; drain and rinse under cold water, drain and transfer to a large bowl.

Mix together
  • Pasta
  • 1 C Cherry Tomatoes - halved
  • 1 diced Green Bell Pepper
  • 1 diced Yellow Bell Pepper
  • 1 C Chopped Fresh Cilantro
  • 1/2 Large Seedless Cucumber, peeled and cut into 1/2" pieces
  • 1 Shallot - thinly sliced
Add the dressing and toss to coat.

Serve with cooked chicken breast (grilled; hot or chilled) and some fresh fruit and greek yogurt for a complete "all round" meal. 

Chicken, fruit and yogurt PointsPlus values are not included in the total above.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

AWARE [uh-wair]!

1.  having knowledge; conscious; cognizant: aware of danger.
2.  informed; alert; knowledgeable; sophisticated
I often hear comments at the scale from people as to why they did not lose weight this week  - my jokey retort is sometimes "this is not confession; that's some other place".  It's a joke, I know, but I also feel desperately empathetic for the member each and every time I hear that because I KNOW how hard it is to lose the weight.  The problem is that we set our own bar as to our expectations from ourselves and then we feel humiliated when we don't meet the bar we have set ourselves.  Would you like to never have to "make confession" again at the scale?  YES?  Then read on!

Firstly, let me share something with you: we, the staffers who meet you every week are NOT HERE TO JUDGE, our job is to motivate, educate, inspire and help you to feel welcome.  If you share your wants and needs with us at the scale we are equipped to move you towards them.  So instead of "making confession" how would it be if next time you shared a realization of how a particular CHALLENGE in your path gave you some NEW AWARENESS in your week?
I have a question for YOU:
How does AWARENESS relate to our goals of losing or maintaining weight?  Well, a buddy of mine; another WW leader sent me a quote the other day (and I can't find where I filed it right now), it went something like "overweight is not an eating problem, it's a mental problem".  Seems harsh when you first read it, but think about it - it brings us right into the realm of awareness:

You guessed it - tracking is it... BUT not just tracking what we consume.   ASK YOURSELF what else we you track and what information does it give you?  Here are 10 of the most popular and a couple of really creative ideas I heard in the meeting.

1.  Exercise - passively with the WW Pedometer or actively by figuring it out using the books or WW e-tools.  The benefits are MANY for tracking your movement, but "empowerment" is the #1 reason I was given this week.
2.  Mood - helps to prevent "emotional eating".
3.  Sleep - so important to get enough sleep, helps to make great decisions.
4.  Measurements - gives us another "measure of success" and takes some of the power away from the scale.
5.  Carbs - can be a really informative habit.
6.  Good Health Guidelines - particularly water to help prevent eating when we're really thirsty.
7.  Days to vacation - to focus the mind ahead of going away
8.  Hmmm - how to put this one?  "Satisfaction" - Okay - a story:  a member shared in the meeting this week that she will add a frowny face to her tracker if she ate something that did not sit well with her "taste buds" or "goals for the day"  i.e.  next to the "cheez-its" on her tracker.
and TWO from me:
9.  Things I say "NO" to - can be so helpful to understand that I am doing better than I think (to forgive myself) and also to motivate me to grow that list!
10.  Power foods - I like to eat at least 75% or more on a daily basis and so I am quite fastidious about keeping a track of them.

I would say PICK 3 of the ideas and work towards keeping your journal including the 3 you choose.  By the way this is not "letting you off the hook of tracking your food and beverage consumption", but it can definitely help move your weight management results closer to your goals.  I also totally understand and agree that some weeks food & beverage tracking is JUST NOT feasible, so, if you have formed a habit of tracking 2 or 3 other elements, such as the ones listed here, you may be able to still do that on those tougher weeks".
In this upcoming week - lets talk FOOD  :)
I'm excited that both Weight Watchers and the USDA recognize that this is a time of opportunity for our country.  By promoting ways to create a leaner nation, we can, in turn, help to cut the health care costs linked to weight-related conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and some types of cancer.   This gives US an amazing opportunity to make such a difference to our own health and that of those around us that we influence of a daily basis, such as children and grandchildren, spouses, other family members and work colleagues.  

For me, what’s so exciting about the new plate icon is that it reinforces what our PointsPlus program puts into action.  

Come to the meeting so we can bat some ideas around as to how to improve nutrition while still being sure to incorporate the WEIGHT WATCHERS approach of not making this into a DIET, but an opportunity to REALLY make changes to our eating habits to change the way we LIVE-IT.

LIFETIME Members are especially invited this week - you are our role models and have amazing wisdom to bring to the meeting room.  We'd love to see you there.
Have you heard the news?
Bragging rights ---- BIG TIME --- 
Were #1!
Weight Watchers Scores Highest in First-Ever U.S. News and World Reports Rankings of Weight Loss Programs.

Weight Watchers® is proud to have been recognized as the Best Diet Plan for Weight
Loss and the Best Commercial Diet Plan in the U.S. News & World Report first-ever Best Diets rankings, published online today. U.S. News & World Report determined its rankings by bringing together an independent panel of 22 scientific experts including nutritionists, dietitians, cardiologists, and diabetologists.

An ever-growing body of clinical research supports the Weight Watchers approach to weight loss, which is built on healthful eating, physical activity, behavior modification, and support. Based on the rankings, the experts recognized how effective the Weight Watchers approach is in helping consumers achieve short- and long-term weight loss. 

BUY 2 Duopacks and get 3rd one for FREE

ALL Flavors - 
Cherry, and 
Cappuccino Creme Melt
CURRENT WEIGHT WATCHERS MAGAZINE ---  ON SALE FOR $3.50 (Meeting room only - full price on newsstands).  
USUALLY $3.95 (save 45c) 

while stocks last - sorry, no rain-checks.

Before you go ....

“Strength is the ability to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of those pieces"     Judith Viorst. (Contemporary American author, journalist and psychoanalyst researcher.)

Thanks for visiting my blog - check back on Wednesday for the RECIPE of the WEEK.
Set yourself us as a "follower" of the blog and receive alerts when I post new stuff.
And, by the way - your comments are very welcome :)

Have a healthy week.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


A member, Sean, kindly supplied this recipe.  I have run it though the recipe builder and so the PointsPlus Values are my addition to the information that Sean gave me.

(the pic below is from the internet - not taken by me on making the dish.

Thanks Sean, I can't wait to try it!

2 lbs. tomaotes
2 medium cucumbers, seeded
2 smallish onions, preferably red
1 jar roasted bell peppers (12 OZ.)
4 1/2 c. tomato juice or V-8 juice
3/4 c. chopped fresh cilantro
2/3 c. red wine vinegar
1/2 c. olive oil
1.4 tsp. Tabasco sauce

Skin the tomatoes, then puree them.  Dice half the other vegetables; puree the other half.  Mix everything together.  Serve chilled

As variants, you can add some lime juice, and/or substitute jalapeno pepper for the Tabasco sauce.

PointsPlus Values: 5 per serving
Servings:  8
Preparation time:  20 minutes
Cooking time0  (although you may want to account for chilling time - several hours)
Level of difficultyeasy

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A "Rich Prezzie"

I know that some of us lack a support network, perhaps because we have not taken the time to build one.  Sometimes it is because we view losing weight as a sort of punishment for the actions that lead us to gain weight and so we believe we're "on our own" to undo the "damage".  Others of us just don't see the need for, or even believe in the value of,  a supportive environment or indeed, we may choose to go it alone so that there is no-one to disappoint when we fail (am I allowed to say --- again?).  Regardless of the reasons why, neglecting the importance of support is like trying to build a house without a foundation -- it's likely to crumble!

So, in the meeting, I asked you to think about who your support person / people / team is, and then we shared some stories about how it felt to be the recipient of the support.  Did you notice that the person sharing the story, inevitably, was smiling when they were stating the positive and helpful aspects of their experience on the receiving end of the helping hand?

Open yourself up to the fact that there probably is someone in your vicinity who cares very deeply about the fact that you are paying attention to your weight.  Take a few minutes this week to say "Thanks" to them;  Give them a "Rich Prezzie" - [definition: a small, inexpensive, but truly meaningful gift] such as:

  • Invite them for a lovely walk with you,
  • Cook them a favorite meal or dish - WW Friendly, of course!
  • Purchase them a gift card to their fav coffee shop or for I-tunes or Amazon for their Kindle account,
  • Pay for a zumba, pilates, kick-boxing or yoga lesson - and don't forget to tag along and try it out too!

Meetings are the key - according to members who are successful - we hear time and time again that the meeting is the single biggest source of motivation and support.  Having people around you who are also trying to lose weight or who have travelled the same path can give us a great deal of encouragement and the assurance that we are not alone.  Meetings also provide new ideas, heightened accountability and a small window of time to make ourselves the priority in an otherwise busy week.

The week ahead:
This week - lets take a look at our own behaviors and examine how we can best help ourselves by being AWARE of our responses and reactions to daily situations and life!

Newsy Stuff:
Weight Watchers is so proud of the fact that the new USDA Healthy Guidelines so thoroughly validate the PointsPlus Program.  I personally could not be more excited - because it so totally validates the way I like to try and eat too --- meaning --- I must be doing something right, right?

USDA's "My Plate" Website

NEXT WEEK - when I have had a chance to completely research the topic and learn about it - I plan to go through it in detail in the meeting room - so stay tuned.  In the meantime, here is a summary:

The USDA announced this week that they are replacing the traditional food pyramid with the new plate icon, which encourages Americans to eat more fruits and vegetables and to lead a healthier lifestyle.

They recommend:
  • Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables, a message that Weight Watchers has already embraced with PointsPlus. In fact, all fruit and most vegetables now have zero PointsPlus values. 
  • Eat a healthful, balanced diet made up of nutrient-dense foods—the kind of approach that is proven to help with weight management. Our Power Foods do just that and provide an easy way to identify the most nutritious, most satisfying food choices.  
  • Make environmental and behavioral changes to live a healthier lifestyle. This is the first time that the government is formally recommending behavior change. Its emphasis on healthy eating, physical activity, behavior modification, and a supportive environment is fundamental to the Weight Watchers approach.
Weight Watchers and the USDA both recognize that this is a time of opportunity for our country. By fostering a leaner nation, we can, in turn, help to cut the health care costs linked to weight-related conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and some types of cancer.

On sale in the meeting room:
This week:
When you purchase 2 (duopacks) of FRUITIES, get ONE FREE.They're $2.50 per duopack.
Flavors available:
Strawberry and
Cappuccino Creme Melts
(while stocks last and sorry, as always; no rain-checks)

One Last Thing:

My thoughts go out to the residents of Western Massachusetts this week that have been affected by the tornados that touched down.  This has been a very sad week in the Baystate; we lost 3 lives because of the unbelievable tornadic events.   For many others in the area, their lives have been completely turned upside down; some of our "own" are now homeless and yet grateful that they are able to pick themselves up and carry on.  I have heard some amazing stories of resilience this week - for me it shows that there are sometimes things that are NOT in our control; but we are very fortunate that most of what we have to deal with on a day to day basis IS within our control; including our behaviors around our food and beverage consumption.  

OUR outcome is in OUR own hands - lets make the most of that!

Check back here ON MY BLOG on Wednesday for
The recipe of the week.