Saturday, June 25, 2011

Routine Interruptus!

This week:
When we take a vacation from work and routine, we often take a vacation from our weight management efforts too.  Once we veer off track, it can be difficult to get back on plan.  A weight gain after vacation can break the momentum, sap our motivation and undermine our confidence in ourselves that we are capable of doing this.  Unfortunately, I have noticed over the summer months that some members even give up on their weight goals altogether.

I'd love to discuss some strategies for handling the disruptions and interruptions to our routines, specially vacations.  We should also look at the importance of staying connected to our weight management efforts while away from home and commit to what we can or are willing to do - perhaps one thing consistently each day so that we feel like we have control and are still connected.  I want to throw out the suggestion that"ALL OR NOTHING" doesn't necessarily work in these circumstances - agree?
So ask yourself "Is it inevitable that you will gain weight while on vacation"  Why or Why not?  Come to the meeting this week and let's examine it from all angles.
:-(   Hungry OR Happy  :-)

Have you noticed that a "trigger food" can bring out the hungry monster inside your head?
As we head into the summer months (we had the longest day this week ... did you see me smiling?) there are sooooo many foods around to trigger us and aren't they just delicious?  The "rub" is that they're so pointerrific.

Consider an afternoon at the BBQ:
  • 4 oz nachos - 6 PointsPlus Values (PPV)
  • 1 hot dog on bun - 6 PPV
  • 1/2 c. potato salad - 8 PPV
  • 3 oz BBQ ribs - 11 PPV
  • Sml slice of blueberry pie - 10 PPV
  • 1 regular beer - 5 PPV
  • 1/2 c. premium ice-cream - 8 PPV
TOTAL PPV = 54 - that's FIFTY FOUR and I DID NOT eat any other of the hors d'oeuvres, a juicy cheesy hamburger, the macaroni salad or a baked potato with sour cream.  I only had ONE dessert (okay - not counting the ice-cream) and ONE beer.  Fifty Four - sheesh!

Why are we looking at this?  For-armed is for-warned - right?  Have you ever arrived at the BBQ with the best intentions; ate a great breakfast and even had an apple in the car on the way there - and then when you arrive and see all the food, the hungry monster surfaces?  All heck breaks loose and you and the monster are off to the races?

So - what will you do about that next time?
Members in the meeting suggest:
~ Positive Self Talk - telling me "I can do this and I'll feel very proud of myself when I do"  "the scale is going to be my friend this week"
~ Anchors - bring something to anchor you to the program - something your leader has given you or something you know reminds you to stick with it.
~ Wear fitted clothing
~ Bring something you can rely on; something you enjoy eating
~ Go and shoot hoops with the kids or jump in the pool
~ Pace yourself
~ Eat your veggies first
~ Make room in your budget for the pointerrific foods you REALLY want.
~ Add your own suggestion ________________________________

And when we did not do as well as we wanted?
the NUMBER one suggestion from the meeting room was - FORGIVE YOURSELF and get right back on track
Because of the tremendous interest in the Walk!t Challenge and the run on pedometers, some members were disappointed, finding we were out of stock, when they tried to purchase theirs with the $5 OFF coupon.  Weight Watchers is extending the expiration date for the coupon until July 16.  There are now plenty in stock and the price with the coupon is $18.95 - well worth it!
You may be wondering - what's the big deal about this pedometer over someone else's?
This one is made for us; it is THE ONLY pedometer that can count your activity PointsPlus Values in addition to steps and distance!  It's a great motivator to watch the progress bar fill up as you walk your way to earned activity value.  I wear mine pretty much every day and try to fulfill my [self-imposed] goal of 10,000 steps!
I have some extra coupons, so, if you have lost yours, at the time of your purchase I'll furnish you with a replacement.  I am also ACE at setting up the pedometers, so ask me if you want some assistance!

Weight Watchers will be closed on Monday 4 July - but we shall be there for you on Sunday and Tuesday!  No need to miss a meeting.  If you would like to attend a different meeting for any reason and you are not sure how to look up where there is an alternative place, day or time, click this link to the Weight Watchers MEETING FINDER site and simply plug in the zip code or town and state to find a local meeting.

Check back HERE on Wednesday for the recipe of the week

Oh, one more thing:

My Declaration of THINDEPENDENCE:
When, in the course of my life, it becomes necessary for me to end an unhealthy relationship with food and eating, I know that I have the strength to do that.

After all, I have the right to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.  I should not have to feel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, and I refuse to feel that way anymore.  I know losing weight is hard.   I have an especially hard time with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .  But it is worth it to me to dedicate myself to the task of losing weight, and I will do what it takes to meet my goal of _ _ _ _ _.  I am dedicated to my plan for weight loss, and to get there, I will _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, I will _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , and I will _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

NOW is MY time and I WILL make it happen.  This is My Declaration of Independence from an overweight lifestyle.  I am free at last!  

Let the fireworks begin!


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