Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Slow Cooker Lentil and Beef Stew

December, being a busy month, calls for EASY to prepare, tasty and wholesome meals - this one is from Weight Watchers and is very hearty.  Serve it as a soup or as a stew with rice or penne pasta, (for added PPV).

PointsPlus® Value:    5
Servings:  6
Preparation Time:  25 min
Cooking Time:  420 min

1 small onion, chopped
1 clove of garlic, minced
1 large zucchini
1 LB of lean beef round, cut into 1" chunks
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1 (14.5oz) can diced tomatoes, undrained
1 TBSP canned tomato paste
3/4 cup dry lentils
32 oz beef broth
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1/4 cup fresh basil - slivered

Place all the ingredients, except the basil, in a 5-quart or larger slow cooker.  Stir well and set on a LOW setting for 6-7 hours.  Remove the cover, stir in the basil.  Cover and cook for further 5 minutes.  Yields about 1 1/2 cups per serving.

Have you heard ... there are exciting tweaks coming to the program?  Be sure to come to your meeting next week to hear more :)  I know - what a tease!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

After LaFesta... The Good, The Bad & The Ugly!

No matter which, it's over... come to weigh in this week.  At today's meeting, we had folks who lost weight and were thrilled (some even more than they expected), we had some who stayed the same and were thrilled and we had some who gained (some even less than they expected) and were thrilled to come and weigh in - they said they were happy to end the "old" week and begin with a brand new week.  No matter which scenario is yours, it will not be as horrible as the scale monster is telling you.  You know the scale monster, right?

S/He lives in your head and constantly tells you how awful your next weigh-in is going to be, taunting you, daring you to stay home (or at your desk) and NOT go and weigh in this week.  "Peeshaw"; that's what I say!  Come and weigh-in and prove the scale monster is just that ... a Monster!!!

Without making light of it.  If it truly was awful, if you feel like your eating was out of control and it seems like you totally screwed it up, this is definitely NOT the meeting to skip.  And I don't mean just come and weigh in and leave; stick around for some well-deserved support.  Wasn't it Zig Ziglar who suggested that - and I'm paraphrasing here - "people say that motivation is like bathing, it doesn't last... that's why we recommend it regularly"?

Members who come to meetings and stay are more likely to be successful
and the numbers bear it out.  I know we all think we are the exception to the rule - I'll let you into a secret - in 4 years of doing this job, I have only ever met ONE member; who lost significant weight, following the program at home - without the weekly meeting support - and countless others who have shared with me that they tried and tried, but until they "caved" and acknowledged the fact that the meetings make all the difference, weight loss was sporadic at best and more likely to be a Yo-yo effort.

This doesn't have to be a December of DOWNWARD spiral. Truly.  My crew and I are here for you every step of the way.

This week - in the meeting - I am going to share a preview of one of the changes that are coming to PointsPlus 2012; so don't miss that.  Then THE FOLLOWING week is the week of the program's enhancements.  Just a few changes that are going to make the program EVEN easier to follow - no stressing out --- FRUIT is still FREE!

Coming Soon: A Smarter, Faster, Better eTools Website:
new features launching December 2.

If you love eTools now, wait till you see the incredible improvements coming in December! As part of the site redesign, you'll be able to enjoy the following user-friendly features.
Easier Navigation and Smarter Tools to Enhance the Plan Experience:
  • New Homepage - an improved search function to help you find the articles, recipes, and tips you’re looking for faster
  • Key Tools Access from anywhere on the site
  • Checklists for various stages of the Plan, down to the specific week
  • Accessible Recipe Collections - browsable for dishes from savory to sweet.
Did you know that there is a website dedicated to assisting you to find your favorite Weight Watchers products?
Everything from Chocolate Candy to Deli Salads...


"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try"
~ unknown

Come on back to the blog on Wednesday for a "December to Remember" recipe!
See you in person in your meeting this week - can't wait :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Twice Baked Thanksgiving Sweet Potatoes

PointsPlus Value   3 per serving
Servings  6
Cooking Time   2 hours (15 minutes "active" time)

3 medium (7oz) sweet potatoes - I like the white ones, but use your favorite
4 or 6 sprays olive oil spray
1/2 cup very finely sliced leeks, white part only
1/2 cup fat-free plain Greek yogurt
2 TBSP maple syrup
1/2 tsp freshly ground nutmeg
salt and pepper to your taste
2 TBSP packed brown sugar & 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon - mixed together to make cinnamon sugar

~~  Prick the potatoes and bake (on a foil lined baking sheet) in a 400 deg oven until soft, about 60 minutes.  Remove from the oven and set aside for about 20 minutes to cool to handle-able temp.  Carefully cut them in half lengthwise and remove the flesh from the skin without tearing the skins.  Re-line your baking sheet with new aluminum foil (spray with OO spray) or parchment paper (no OO spray necessary) ready to place the filled 1/2s of potato skins for re-baking.  Turn the oven down to 325 deg.

~~  Heat a skillet to medium high spray with OO spray and saute the leeks till soft, but not colored (turn the heat down and add a little water if needed to finish the cooking).  Remove from the heat and add in the potato flesh, the yogurt, maple syrup, nutmeg and salt and pepper.  Mix it together without over working the mixture (it'll get gluey if you do).  

~~  Re-fill the skins with the potato mixture, spooning it evenly so all the servings are the same size, and place the 1/2s on the prepared baking sheet.  Bake for 30 minutes at 325 deg.  Remove them from the oven, change the setting to broil - sprinkle the cinnamon sugar evenly over the top of the potatoes and place under the broiler till the sugar bubbles - but doesn't burn.  

Serve immediately.

(P.S - you can make this into a casserole instead of individual servings - spoon into a pre-sprayed casserole dish and bake as directed)

See you after .... 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving; Parties & Food, Food, Food!

Parties, family gatherings, gifts, and food, food, food; what a special time of year this is! 
To help you through the season, (and this NEXT WEEK) I wanted to bring you some tips directly from the experts at Weight Watchers:

#1 Don’t starve
Arriving at the party famished could lead to overdoing it, so eat a healthy meal or snack beforehand, leaving just enough room (and PointsPlus values) for a few small treats.

#2 Drink!
But make it water or other low-calorie beverage – you’ll slow down your eating and help fill yourself up. And limit your alcohol intake – it’s not only a major source of calories and POINTS values, it can weaken your ability to stick to your eating plan.

#3 Know what you eat
Just because it’s the holidays, don’t forget all the weight management skills you’ve acquired. Even if you choose to indulge, keep journaling. By writing down what you’re eating you’re less apt to eat mindlessly.

#4 Don’t deprive yourself
But do limit your portions. By eating small portions of only things you really want you’ll enjoy the specialties while staying on track.

#5 Set priorities
Rate each dish on the buffet from 1 to10, with “10” being the best choices for you and “1” being foods you know you should limit or avoid. Fill your plate with the high numbers and only try a minimal amount (or none!) of the others.

#6 Move!
Reduce sedentary behavior like surfing the net and gradually work up to 60 minutes of exercise on most days of the week. It will help in your weight-loss efforts or allow you to eat a bit more without guilt.  (Editor's note:  for folks like me who go "Arrggghhhh" when we see that; remember that doing SOME is far better than doing NONE!)

#7 Be realistic
Losing weight during the holiday season might not be the most practical objective for you right now. Allow your goal during the holidays to be maintaining your weight, not weight loss. Then, once the holidays are over you can get right back to losing.

(and one from me)  #8 Don't go it alone
Whether your buddy is right there at the dinner table with you or across the country have an accountability partner and act as a role model - you'll be thrilled with the difference that will make to your choices!

Sticking with the theme of Holidays: In the meeting room this week we are going to try and de-stress.   (Or even better, avoid it happening at all).
Weight Watchers and I have tools for you; come and find out more...
Research shows that members who keep on attending their meetings through the holidays are far less likely to gain so much weight that it derails their long term efforts.  Going it alone, on the other hand, is like walking the tightrope without a safety net!  Time and resources are always stretched for these last few weeks of the year - spend some of them on yourself and be proud that you're taking care of the most important person you know!

Newsy Stuff:
You asked for them and they're comin' ...
This is how it was described upon launch a few months ago: 

Get produce passionate with our 175 delicious recipes!
Finally! A go-to glossary of 50 fruits and vegetables to keep you satisfied.
“Lettuce” introduce you to more eating variety with  Fruits & Veggies A-Z, featuring everything you need to know—including nutritional highlights, buying tips, and garden-fresh insider information—about 50 mouthwatering fruits and vegetables. Spice up your ho-hum meal routine while exploring delicious new ingredients like jicama, kale, and pomegranates. You’ll also get the skinny on all-time favorites like apples, oranges, cucumbers, asparagus, and strawberries. Plus, we’ll help you “beet” the blahs with our bonus chapter featuring scrumptious Super Salads.

Priced at $9.95 - look out for it as a wonderful Holiday gift for your favorite Weight Watcher!

Finally - as we move into the "Silly Season"  I wanted to highlight a success story from the Weight Watchers Website.
Meet Susan:
I'm an Inspiration!

Name:  Susan
Age:  48
Height:  5'7"
Was:  198.2 lbs
Lost 41.6 lbs
Weight:  51.6 lbs
As of: 4/16/2008
"Daily movement is the key to maintaining weight loss, but it's no longer my excuse to eat anything I want."
Susan lost weight with a prior Weight Watchers program

Susan used to read Weight Watchers success stories online and think of the women as everyday heroes. Now she's one, too!

When I hit my 30s and 40s, I was frustrated with the fluctuations in my weight. I spent a small fortune on different diets and eating plans, and every single New Year's resolution I made was to lose weight. Finally, at 45 years old, I said, "It's now or never!" I wanted to spend the second half of my life healthy and fit.
Daily diligence
When I joined Weight Watchers meetings and started following the POINTS® Weight-Loss System, I never let myself feel "safe" when I lost weight because of my history with losing and gaining. I kept a journal every day and really stuck to the plan. Before Weight Watchers, I would exercise a little and use that as my excuse to dine out several times a week. Now I just choose healthier restaurants and watch my portions.

And even though I had always been a walker, I knew I needed to add something to my fitness routine. Now a YMCA member, I attend Body Sculpting class three times a week for the weights, push-ups and stomach crunches, which really help define my body. Daily movement is the key to maintaining weight loss, but it's no longer my excuse to eat anything I want.
I deserve it! 
I have always enjoyed WeightWatchers.com, especially for the Success Stories. My heroes tend to be ordinary people who have done extraordinary things; so many of them 
can be found on the site. When I was asked to do a photo shoot in New York City, I screamed! I felt so pampered and special at the shoot. Afterwards we went to Little Italy for dinner and walked through the city.
A shining moment
I have done so many things in my life that I'm proud of — getting married, having my son, earning bachelor's and master's degrees — but one of my proudest achievements was receiving my Weight Watchers gold key for Lifetime Membership. That is a moment that I will never forget!

Susan's Tips:
  • Make a point of doing "mini" workouts throughout the day — stretching, parking far away from the store, taking the stairs, lifting grocery bags, etc.
  • If you really want something, enjoy it in moderation. Don't feel guilty and beat yourself up about it. After all, if you really want that piece of chocolate cake, baby carrots are just not going to cut it!
  • If you go completely off the plan for a day, a week, or even a month, don't give up. Attend a meeting, weigh in (no matter how bad it might be) and start over!
  • Set small goals and think of little gifts to give yourself. A book, item of clothing or piece of jewelry can go a long way in keeping you motivated.
  • Nights are difficult for me but if I brush and floss my teeth, I am less likely to eat and spoil that nice clean feeling!
  • Buy yourself a special notebook. Write down everything you eat, what you did for exercise, how you feel. Think of it as a personal journey journal

Come back to the blog on Wednesday for my weekly recipe 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wild Mushroom Soup & Very Easy Cranberry Relish

Wild Mushroom Soup 
8 servings
2 PPV per serving

2 teaspoons butter 
2 teaspoons vegetable or sunflower oil 
½ cup finely chopped celery 
¼ cup finely chopped scallions - green and white part
½ cup finely chopped carrot 
1 or 2 cloves garlic, crushed
6-8 sprays olive oil cooking spray 
2 cups thinly sliced button or baby Bella mushrooms (or a mixture of both.  Don't wash the mushrooms, wipe them with a moist piece of kitchen paper) 
4 cups thinly sliced Shiitake caps or oyster mushrooms (or a mixture of both)
2 TBSP Dijon mustard
48 oz low-sodium vegetable broth
Salt and Pepper to taste
¼ cup dry sherry or white wine
2 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley
4 teaspoons chopped fresh sage

Heat the butter and oil together in a large nonstick pan over medium-high heat.   Add the mirepoix of vegetables (the aromatics); celery, scallions, carrots and garlic and sauté for about 5 minutes or until lightly browned (the browning will help color the soup, so don't be shy about allowing color to develop). Set them aside in a Pyrex or earthenware dish – place a plate on top to keep them warm.

Next, you're going to soften and brown the mushrooms keep them separated by type. Spray the skillet with 3 or 4 sprays of olive oil cooking spray   Add first batch of mushrooms (button) sauté in the pan for about 3 or 4 minutes, moving them around the pan with a wooden or silicon spoon until lightly browned.  Set these aside in the Pyrex bowl with the other vegetables.  Then, re-coat pan with cooking spray and do the same to the other mushroom types.

Place the veggies (with all the mushrooms) in large saucepan add the broth and the mustard and a little salt and pepper.   Bring it to boil over medium heat.  Reduce the heat and skim off any scum that rises to the top, then cover the pan and allow the soup to simmer 30 minutes. Stir in sherry (or wine) and herbs to the pan and simmer, uncovered, for a 5 more minutes, taste for seasoning and adjust to your taste.  Serve in pre-warmed bowls - piping hot!

A really easy Cranberry Relish to make for Turkey day...
Take a pack of fresh cranberries, wash them and empty the bag into a thick bottomed saucepan.  Open a 14oz can of crushed pineapple in its own juice - discard the juice and add the pineapple to the pan.  If you want to add a little extra zip - add about a tsp of orange zest.  Put the pan on the heat and bring to the boil.  As soon as the cranberries pop open, remove from the heat and add 1/2 tsp of Vanilla extract.

I put this though the recipe builder - if you use a TBSP or two as a condiment, you can count it as "free".  If you get fewer than 12 servings from it count 1 PPV or so.  If you eat it by the 1/2 cup-full (as a dessert - believe me I have done that) then you should count it as 3 PPV per serving.

Some of my members add Splenda to this ... I do not!

Come on back on Sunday for the next post on the blog - see you soon  :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

"Fall Back" ... try not to make it "BACK to Old Habits"

The clocks changed last week meaning we have now had a week of coming home from work in the dark.  I don't know about you but that first week or two, really plays with my brain!  It affects my psyche by giving me the message "Go home, go straight home, do not pass go, do not collect $200"!  Then once I get home I want to begin the process of hibernation, that means 2 behaviors; eating traditional comfort food - you know the type; heavy, starchy, gravy'y, cheesy and fatty, and sitting on the sofa in front of the TV and staying there till bedtime.
So Why is this a Problem?
The combination of consuming extra calories and inactivity that often accompanies television time can be detrimental to weight-loss and maintenance efforts.

So, take a hard look at your showtime habits and begin to change some things to make this time more weight-loss friendly. The first step is to figure out some alternative healthy, satisfying snacks to munch in front of the box. The second step is to eat meals at the table - NOT in front of the screen and then thirdly; identify hobbies that could keep hands busy and find ways to incorporate activity into viewing time, chair exercises anyone?
Sit Less, Move More
This is from the experts at Weight Watchers, taken from a NY Times Article, see below --- Adults may stave off weight gain by simply spending less time watching television, according to a study from the Stanford University School of Medicine.  Sitting is “lethal,” according to James Levine, M.D., Ph.D., a researcher at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona. That may sound extreme, but recent research has shown that even spurts of exercise can’t offset the health effects of long periods of inactivity. Sitting for many hours has been linked to a slower metabolic (calorie-burning) rate, lowered levels of good cholesterol, and insulin ineffectiveness that leads to type 2 Diabetes. The more time adults spend in front of the television, the Stanford researchers say, the more likely they are to suffer from obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

It’s important to note that even though in, this post, I am focusing on developing healthier habits during television time, research shows that all screen time contributes to excessive sitting, so all forms of screen time, including working on a computer and playing video games can have the same effect.

One solution is to make screen time more active, which will aid you in weight loss. It doesn't have to be super-strenuous either. Just bending down to tie a shoe registers as a spike in activity level. The take-home message is simple: Sit less, do more. Eat less, move more.

For more information about Dr. Levine’s inactivity research, visit  nytimes.com/2011/04/17/magazine/mag-17sitting-t.html

and by the way - since we changed the clocks - don't forget to 
your smoke / carbon monoxide detectors need energy too!!
Upcoming this week - Best meeting of the year... don't miss the "Thanksgiving Meeting"
In preparation for the meeting - I thought you might enjoy this:
Author Unknown

When I was a young turkey, new to the coop,
My big brother Mike took me out on the stoop,
Then he sat me down, and he spoke real slow,
And he told me there was something that I had to know;
His look and his tone I will always remember,
When he told me of the horrors of..... Black November;

"Come about August, now listen to me,
Each day you'll get six meals instead of just three,
"And soon you'll be thick, where once you were thin,
And you'll grow a big rubbery thing under your chin;
"And then one morning, when you're warm in your bed,
In'll burst the farmer's wife, and hack off your head;
"Then she'll pluck out all your feathers so you're bald 'n pink,
And scoop out all your insides and leave ya lyin' in the sink;

Well, the rest of his words were too grim to repeat,
I sat on the stoop like a winged piece of meat,
And decided on the spot that to avoid being cooked,
I'd have to lay low and remain overlooked;
I began a new diet of nuts and granola,
High-roughage salads, juice and diet cola;
And as they ate pastries, chocolates and grapes,
I stayed in my room doing Jane Fonda tapes;

I maintained my weight of two pounds and a half,
And tried not to notice when the bigger birds laughed;
But 'twas I who was laughing, under my breath,
As they chomped and they chewed, ever closer to death;
And sure enough when Black November rolled around,
I was the last turkey left in the entire compound;
So now I'm a pet in the farmer's wife's lap;
I haven't a worry, so I eat and I nap;

She held me today, while sewing and humming,
And smiled at me and said
"Christmas is coming"

WEIGHT WATCHERS FRUITIES -   BUY 2 Duo-packs and get 3rd one for FREE  
(you can mix and match flavors)
ALL Flavors - 
BlackBerry                                      Strawberry
Cherry                                            Cappuccino Creme Melts

One Last Thing:
"We gain strength courage and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Come on back to the blog on Wednesday for the Recipe of the Week :)
See you at your meeting.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

(Not your ordinary) Chicken Chili

1/2 c diced carrot
1/2 c diced red onion
1/2 c diced celery
1/2 c diced green pepper
1 TBSP olive oil
1 TBSP all-purpose flour
3/4 to 1 c boiling hot chicken stock or water
14 1/2 oz can large butter (or cannellini) beans
14 1/2 oz can black-eye peas
1/2 tsp crushed chilies
1 bay leaf
Salt and Pepper
Tabasco to taste
12 oz cooked boneless, skinless chicken breast - chopped into small dice.

Saute the carrot, onion, celery and green pepper in the olive oil on a medium heat for about 4 or 5 minutes until they're soft.  Sprinkle the flour over the veggies, mix well and cook for approximately 30 seconds then add the sufficient liquid to halfway cover the veggies and stir well.  Add the beans, the crushed chilies, the bay leaf and salt and pepper to your taste and simmer on a low to medium heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Finally, drop in the chopped chicken breast, heat for about 3 or 4 minutes till it comes to a boil.  Adjust the seasoning using salt, pepper and a few dashes of Tabasco Sauce to your taste.

Serves 6
PPV per serving 5

I hope you enjoy my version of Chicken Chili - it seems more complicated than it is because there are a lot of ingredients, but it's really quite simple :)

Finish it by serving over 3/4 c brown rice and sprinkle a couple of TBSP of Light Mexican Style Shredded Cheese on top.  Sometimes I really break out of the mundane by adding some guac on top and occasionally even some fat-free sour cream!  All these ingredients add PPV; don't forget to count them!

See you back here on Sunday!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Who IS Humphrey?

I apologize if your meeting was cancelled or if you had a sub in to do your meeting this week.

I miss you when I don't see you.  Laryngitis is unfortunately a nightmare in my job ... just can't do it with NO voice!  

I am on the mend, so unless I have a setback, I'll be there this week.  

BUT you should know that I am likely to ask you talk a whole lot more in the meeting so that I can ensure that my voice lasts the whole week - be prepared to share - we are chatting about:

What’s the most unhealthy thing we do every day? 
Yup--sitting in front of the tube. 
Lets brainstorm things to do in front of the TV other than eat, and how we can make TV time more active.
Some of you know that Humphrey is the scale (or, at least that's what I named him) so in this blog; I wanted to talk about "Humphrey Surprises"

Have you noticed that when the scale shows a loss even if you' ve overindulged during the week, it can feel like a gift—and like permission to continue indulging. 

Some members may mistakenly come to believe that going off plan doesn’t matter—that they can “cheat” and still lose weight. You know, thinking about it more, it occurs to me that it could also cause us to lose confidence in the Weight Watchers program and what we know are helpful behaviors.

Then there are the times we see a gain on the scale which is totally NOT expected.  On those occasions it's helpful to know that there are multiple factors that potentially can influence the weekly weigh-in.

Last week's weekly gave some great things to look out for that affect the weight on the scale (ask me for a copy if you don't have one).  They include sodium, fluid intake, PMS, then there's also medications and some other factors such as chronic conditions or certain types of exercise.

Whether the scale gives you an unexpected loss or an unexpected gain--take a look at some recent efforts on the Program (use the Learn From Experience Helpful Habit--see below) and focus on the helpful behaviors that you know promotes weight loss to avoid slipping into “I-got-away-with-going-off-plan” or the "this-plan-doesn't-work-for-me" thinking.

Here is more information about the "Learn From Experience" helpful habit:
Understanding the behaviors that encourage weight loss can help you build confidence, which reinforces your weight-loss success.
When you evaluate your past weight-loss attempts to determine what worked and what didn’t, you’re gathering useful information.  You now have the power to repeat past triumphs and to avoid the behaviors that got in your way.
Looking at the past in this way can help release its power over you.  Previous experiences are not a blueprint for what will happen again this time.  Think of them more as a warm up!
So - with the winter coming on, have you begun to plan how to work out at home?
If you haven't, I have given it some thought for you... In preparation for the next time you're stuck at home with no electricity with another Nor'easter dropping piles of snow and you have CABIN-FEVER,  I have ordered a bunch of "Punch" Fitness Kits...

The kit is super, inexpensive and more importantly, FUN!

Here is some information from Weight Watchers:

PUNCH! is a low-impact workout filled with powerful boxing-inspired moves designed to help you burn calories and firm your body. With this nonstop workout, you'll feel like you've conquered basic training. The workouts—designed specifically for Weight Watchers® members—are high energy, but low impact so they’re easy on your joints. 

The DVD features three fabulous and effective workouts no matter what your level—
beginner (30 minutes),
intermediate (35 minutes),
or advanced (45 minutes).
Add some PUNCH! to your day!

• One size-fits-all premium 3⁄4 lb. weighted gloves
• DVD with three complete workouts: beginner, intermediate & advanced
• 10-Week Exercise Tracker.

Now - here's how to get yours:
If you attend a meeting with me in Waltham, Burlington or ANY of my workplace meetings, please send me an email right now with your pre-order so that I can pack it up in a bag with your name on and bring it with me to your meeting.  
If you attend in Newton, no need to pre-order, there are plenty in stock there.

I also have plenty of Pedometers (which were previously on backorder) so if you've been wanting one and have not purchased yours yet - this is your chance to get one of those too...

The Pedometers are $23.95 and as an added bonus, I'll help you set yours up!

Finally - while I'm on the subject of Products - we are beginning a sale on Candy today for a couple of weeks - 
buy 2, get one FREE!   $2.50 per duopack
~ Mix and Match Flavors ~

And - one last thing:

“The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.”  

Anna Quindlen - Author and Pulitzer Prize Winning Columnist

See you in your meeting this week and ... don't forget to come back to the blog and see the recipe of the week on Wednesday  :)

Happy November

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Not just Breakfast - POWER Breakfast!

I often talk about the Frittata I prepare for myself for breakfast.  I cook it on a Sunday and then eat it (cold) throughout the week.  It's not a "real" frittata - more like a crustless quiche - most often I just call it "That Eggie Thing".

It changes every week, I use different veggies, sometimes I add fat-free cottage cheese (about 1 cup) in place of 2 of the eggs, sometimes I make it spicy with more Tabasco or Cayenne Pepper.  If I have fresh herbs, they often make it in.   I have roasted veggies such as cauliflower, baby carrots, sweet onions, leeks and others to add to it also.  Experiment and enjoy!

This picture is borrowed from the Internet - I accidentally deleted the picture I took from my hard drive, but this one is a great representation of what "That Eggie Thing" looks like.

Frittata (or "That Eggie Thing")

~ 1 1/2 c cooked mushrooms (or 1x14oz can if I am being lazy)
~ 1/2 c frozen sweet pepper strips - thawed
~ 10 oz (1 box) chopped frozen spinach - thawed and squeezed of excess water
~ 3 oz fat-free feta cheese crumbles
~ 1/2 c light cheddar (or any type of hard) cheese (2% milk fat)
~ 6 eggs
~ Salt, pepper and 1/2 tsp of Dijon mustard (or a couple of drops of Tabasco)

Spray an earthenware or pyrex rectangular dish (8x5" ish size) with Pam or Olive Oil Spray.  Then layer all the ingredients into the dish making sure they're all evenly spread around, finishing with the 2 cheeses.  Beat the eggs with the seasoning and evenly pour it over the veggies.
Bake in a 325 deg oven for 40 - 45 minutes until it is not runny and the color is light brown on top.

I cut it into 5 servings and this one works out to be 4 PointsPlus Values per serving.


And now - drum roll Please...
Food Collection:
27.6  dry pasta
19.2  tuna and other fish
24.0  dehydrated beans, lentils and grains (barley)
35.4  canned beans
39.8  canned fruit
33.4  canned soups and broth
49.2  canned vegetables
44.0  canned and bottled pasta sauce
64.8  peanut butter, apple sauce, candy, BBQ sauce and ketchup, salt and pepper and other misc food items



These totals do NOT include the items donated through the Newton Weight Watchers Center, that food totaled some 432 LBS and went to the Needham Food Pantry.
I cannot thank you enough for your generosity in bringing in your donations throughout the 7 weeks of Lose For Good in September and October.  We'll definitely do it again next year!

By the way - if I haven't told you recently .... YOU ROCK MY WORLD.  Thank-you!

Come back to the blog on Sunday for my next post :)
See you in your meeting...