Sunday, November 27, 2011

After LaFesta... The Good, The Bad & The Ugly!

No matter which, it's over... come to weigh in this week.  At today's meeting, we had folks who lost weight and were thrilled (some even more than they expected), we had some who stayed the same and were thrilled and we had some who gained (some even less than they expected) and were thrilled to come and weigh in - they said they were happy to end the "old" week and begin with a brand new week.  No matter which scenario is yours, it will not be as horrible as the scale monster is telling you.  You know the scale monster, right?

S/He lives in your head and constantly tells you how awful your next weigh-in is going to be, taunting you, daring you to stay home (or at your desk) and NOT go and weigh in this week.  "Peeshaw"; that's what I say!  Come and weigh-in and prove the scale monster is just that ... a Monster!!!

Without making light of it.  If it truly was awful, if you feel like your eating was out of control and it seems like you totally screwed it up, this is definitely NOT the meeting to skip.  And I don't mean just come and weigh in and leave; stick around for some well-deserved support.  Wasn't it Zig Ziglar who suggested that - and I'm paraphrasing here - "people say that motivation is like bathing, it doesn't last... that's why we recommend it regularly"?

Members who come to meetings and stay are more likely to be successful
and the numbers bear it out.  I know we all think we are the exception to the rule - I'll let you into a secret - in 4 years of doing this job, I have only ever met ONE member; who lost significant weight, following the program at home - without the weekly meeting support - and countless others who have shared with me that they tried and tried, but until they "caved" and acknowledged the fact that the meetings make all the difference, weight loss was sporadic at best and more likely to be a Yo-yo effort.

This doesn't have to be a December of DOWNWARD spiral. Truly.  My crew and I are here for you every step of the way.

This week - in the meeting - I am going to share a preview of one of the changes that are coming to PointsPlus 2012; so don't miss that.  Then THE FOLLOWING week is the week of the program's enhancements.  Just a few changes that are going to make the program EVEN easier to follow - no stressing out --- FRUIT is still FREE!

Coming Soon: A Smarter, Faster, Better eTools Website:
new features launching December 2.

If you love eTools now, wait till you see the incredible improvements coming in December! As part of the site redesign, you'll be able to enjoy the following user-friendly features.
Easier Navigation and Smarter Tools to Enhance the Plan Experience:
  • New Homepage - an improved search function to help you find the articles, recipes, and tips you’re looking for faster
  • Key Tools Access from anywhere on the site
  • Checklists for various stages of the Plan, down to the specific week
  • Accessible Recipe Collections - browsable for dishes from savory to sweet.
Did you know that there is a website dedicated to assisting you to find your favorite Weight Watchers products?
Everything from Chocolate Candy to Deli Salads...

"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try"
~ unknown

Come on back to the blog on Wednesday for a "December to Remember" recipe!
See you in person in your meeting this week - can't wait :)

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