Sunday, November 6, 2011

Who IS Humphrey?

I apologize if your meeting was cancelled or if you had a sub in to do your meeting this week.

I miss you when I don't see you.  Laryngitis is unfortunately a nightmare in my job ... just can't do it with NO voice!  

I am on the mend, so unless I have a setback, I'll be there this week.  

BUT you should know that I am likely to ask you talk a whole lot more in the meeting so that I can ensure that my voice lasts the whole week - be prepared to share - we are chatting about:

What’s the most unhealthy thing we do every day? 
Yup--sitting in front of the tube. 
Lets brainstorm things to do in front of the TV other than eat, and how we can make TV time more active.
Some of you know that Humphrey is the scale (or, at least that's what I named him) so in this blog; I wanted to talk about "Humphrey Surprises"

Have you noticed that when the scale shows a loss even if you' ve overindulged during the week, it can feel like a gift—and like permission to continue indulging. 

Some members may mistakenly come to believe that going off plan doesn’t matter—that they can “cheat” and still lose weight. You know, thinking about it more, it occurs to me that it could also cause us to lose confidence in the Weight Watchers program and what we know are helpful behaviors.

Then there are the times we see a gain on the scale which is totally NOT expected.  On those occasions it's helpful to know that there are multiple factors that potentially can influence the weekly weigh-in.

Last week's weekly gave some great things to look out for that affect the weight on the scale (ask me for a copy if you don't have one).  They include sodium, fluid intake, PMS, then there's also medications and some other factors such as chronic conditions or certain types of exercise.

Whether the scale gives you an unexpected loss or an unexpected gain--take a look at some recent efforts on the Program (use the Learn From Experience Helpful Habit--see below) and focus on the helpful behaviors that you know promotes weight loss to avoid slipping into “I-got-away-with-going-off-plan” or the "this-plan-doesn't-work-for-me" thinking.

Here is more information about the "Learn From Experience" helpful habit:
Understanding the behaviors that encourage weight loss can help you build confidence, which reinforces your weight-loss success.
When you evaluate your past weight-loss attempts to determine what worked and what didn’t, you’re gathering useful information.  You now have the power to repeat past triumphs and to avoid the behaviors that got in your way.
Looking at the past in this way can help release its power over you.  Previous experiences are not a blueprint for what will happen again this time.  Think of them more as a warm up!
So - with the winter coming on, have you begun to plan how to work out at home?
If you haven't, I have given it some thought for you... In preparation for the next time you're stuck at home with no electricity with another Nor'easter dropping piles of snow and you have CABIN-FEVER,  I have ordered a bunch of "Punch" Fitness Kits...

The kit is super, inexpensive and more importantly, FUN!

Here is some information from Weight Watchers:

PUNCH! is a low-impact workout filled with powerful boxing-inspired moves designed to help you burn calories and firm your body. With this nonstop workout, you'll feel like you've conquered basic training. The workouts—designed specifically for Weight Watchers® members—are high energy, but low impact so they’re easy on your joints. 

The DVD features three fabulous and effective workouts no matter what your level—
beginner (30 minutes),
intermediate (35 minutes),
or advanced (45 minutes).
Add some PUNCH! to your day!

• One size-fits-all premium 3⁄4 lb. weighted gloves
• DVD with three complete workouts: beginner, intermediate & advanced
• 10-Week Exercise Tracker.

Now - here's how to get yours:
If you attend a meeting with me in Waltham, Burlington or ANY of my workplace meetings, please send me an email right now with your pre-order so that I can pack it up in a bag with your name on and bring it with me to your meeting.  
If you attend in Newton, no need to pre-order, there are plenty in stock there.

I also have plenty of Pedometers (which were previously on backorder) so if you've been wanting one and have not purchased yours yet - this is your chance to get one of those too...

The Pedometers are $23.95 and as an added bonus, I'll help you set yours up!

Finally - while I'm on the subject of Products - we are beginning a sale on Candy today for a couple of weeks - 
buy 2, get one FREE!   $2.50 per duopack
~ Mix and Match Flavors ~

And - one last thing:

“The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.”  

Anna Quindlen - Author and Pulitzer Prize Winning Columnist

See you in your meeting this week and ... don't forget to come back to the blog and see the recipe of the week on Wednesday  :)

Happy November

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