Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Star of the Show

What has Carmen Miranda got to do with Weight Watchers?  

Of course, she is remembered for the "Fruit Hat" she wore in the 1943 movie "The Gang's All Here", just one of the more than 20 movies she made throughout her career; from 1928 to 1955.  When I think of Carmen Miranda - I totally remember those huge red lips - that smile - and THE HAT!  Almost as if the hat is the star! 

So - a leap, I know - but to me that makes fruit (and by extension; veggies) stars in their own right.  It elevates them to a new level of importance and helps me to smile as I am cutting fruit and veggies to include in a meal or salad.

Pic borrowed from my CSA -
Warner Farms
It was a good few years ago that I came to the realization that including a LOT of veggies and fruits in my eating day; helped me to totally placate my hunger pangs.  If my tummy feels like it has a tenant, it takes my mind off the (otherwise constant) search for something delicious to consume!  Two things happened (a) I came to crave the fresh and delicious, seasonal veggies and fruits over the [less good / more processed] options and (b) suddenly other foods did not necessarily make me feel as if my tummy was full.  Oh, and by the way, I also realized that sweet flavor today is defined by a great strawberry!  Oh, and also by the way - I don't have to pay ANY PointsPlus Values for the strawberries either!  How great is that????

Making changes to our eating habits (or any other habits, for that matter) take time and determination.  So many of our behaviors are patterns that are firmly set in place, try by adding one or two extra servings of veggies or fruits on some days and see if it makes a difference to how you feel and what else you are eating on those days.  Change it up - if you've never eaten beets; try them.  If you think something in the supermarket looks interesting or crazy, ask someone to tell you about it and just go for it!

This coming week - lets look at a totally different food group and see how it impacts our ability to manage our weight.  How about we talk about picnics, barbecues and COCKTAILS?  Oh My!

BY THE WAY – it’s easy to tell ourselves over the summer that we’re too busy to make it to the meeting and that since weight loss is so hard anyway, it’s not “worth it” .

I challenge that thinking! 
Even if your weight loss slows and you go into a maintenance phase for a few weeks, isn’t maintaining better than gaining a few pounds and then having to face working it off in the fall? 

Don’t let your “OLD BEHAVIOR PATTERNS” determine your journey for you – you have a choice to do it differently this year!  I promise you; many members have told me they’re eating ice cream and drinking wine and beers and still losing weight – if you want the same you need a meeting to brainstorm the “how to” and that happens at meetings!

In the meeting rooms this week - look out for the NEWEST addition to the mini-bar family.  My friend Heidi says this bar changed her life!  They're better than SAMOAS --- they're called "Toasted Coconut Dream" and they're on SALE.  Take a look at the "Purchase Your Favorites" tab at the top.


Five- A -Day
by Cindy Brown - WW Leader

(sorry - could not resist that one)

See you at your meeting!

Some you peel. Some you don’t.
Some you love.  Some you won’t.
Have some with breakfast
Some with your lunch
Or in between meals
To have some crunch!

Include one with Dinner
In order to win
At always getting
Five-A-Day in!

LETTUCE have a great week!

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