Sunday, March 4, 2012

What Drives YOU?

Whether it's pride when the task is completed; a sense of accomplishment, training for a specific exercise event, health benefits; core, balance, cardiac health or strength training, fun, social, feeling the rush of endorphins or buns of steel - well at least not buns of jello!!  What drives you to move more?  Maybe just enhanced weight loss - nothing wrong with that - right?

5 Ways to GET GOING - and - STAY GOING!

I truly cannot tell you how often I hear something like... "I started to exercise 15 years ago because I had to overcome an injury and I just never gave up - and - now I couldn't imaging not doing it" or "I used to hate to walk, and definitely never thought I would run, but I'm running my first 10K in 3 weeks time" or "I'm entering an Iron Man".  What's the common thread?   When I ask, the member will tell me that they started by just doing 10 or 15 minutes a day.  I know I can find 10 minutes a day... can you?

Lets not make it too complicated; just do something.

The beginning of starting a new behavior is often not the problem, it's normally about the time that we've been doing it for a while and are not yet feeling the benefits and the "old" behavior is tugging us backwards that we run into "stick-with-it-ness" fatigue!  SO, how to overcome that condition?

1.  Develop Accountability:
For some people keeping a journal does it, others need an accountability partner, and for others a more formal accountability person; such as a coach.  Set a goal for yourself and tell someone.  Success (stick-with-it-ness) comes from holding ourselves to account.
2.  Pleasure - Not (Only) Pain:
Have you felt the burn?  Now, embrace the pain and acknowledge it as your measure of commitment.  (I heard that groan)!  Give yourself some options; do fun things too - exercise doesn't require the taking pain killers every time you do it!
3.  Variety is the Paprika (my favorite spice) of Life:
Ask yourself what you might enjoy doing?  Do you like being in a group setting, or solitary, do you want to do something strenuous or sedate.  Do you love to play with a ball or other sports equipment?  Are you a natural mover inside or outside - what did you love as a child ?  Look at your answers and pick several options and give them a try until you find a mix that turns you into a movement seeker.
4.  Have a Buddy - four pawed or two:
Or, indeed, buddies.  Having a few you can turn to, guarantees that if one or more have other commitments or maybe an injury, there are still others that have expectations of you - loneliness, boredom or (dare I utter the word) laziness doesn't have to be the problem!
5.  Keep your EYE on the PRIZE:
When stick-to-it-ness fatigue begins to show it's head, be ready to assess your progress and give yourself that pat on the back for being so diligent up till now. Take a critical look how much closer you are to your goal because of your hard work, acknowledge that and keep going!

We’re all excited about the PointsPlus® Fitness Series with Jennifer Cohen.

The Workout that Gets Results - Made JUST for Weight Watchers!
From March 4 through March 24 take $5 off the regular price of $39.95, paying only $34.95 for the five-DVD set. That’s $7 per DVD! 

  • It's flexible: adaptable to your skill level, whether you're a beginner, a moderate exerciser, or advanced. The level increases in stages so that you'll stay challenged.

  • Jennifer Cohen designed it! This program was designed by a health and fitness expert who’s appeared on The Today Show, Good Morning America, and Extra. She was also a trainer on Shedding for the Wedding. This instructor’s a pro—and she designed this fitness series just for us! 
(It’s also a great value. Compare it to the trendy P90X video series, which costs $120, or a gym membership, which can cost thousands a year.)

While I am on the subject of Tools from Weight Watchers...
the Weight Watchers "One Pot Cookbook" which, by the way is a NY Times bestseller for 4 weeks and still going strong, is now available for e-readers and digital tablets.

Here's the blurb from Weight Watchers:
One Pot features more than 300 single-dish recipes that help you maximize your kitchen tools and minimize cleanup while cooking easy, delicious meals for the whole family. Organized by cooking vessel such as skillet, slow cooker, or saucepan, One Pot recipes include Roasted Eggplant and Mushroom Lasagna, Yankee Pot Roast, Risotto with Shrimp, Peas and Parmesan, all with PointsPlus® values and the nutrition information you need to choose wisely and track accurately.

this week's topic:
We are going to have some fun with this - including the M&M's I am bringing to the meeting - don't miss it!

Final thought for the week:
“Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be!  How much you can love!  What you can accomplish!  And what your potential is!”
Anne Frank

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