Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy HALF-A-New Year's Day!

Yup, today is Half-A-New Year's Day, which makes it a great opportunity to take stock of where we are with our goals for the year.  And, I'm not just talking about our weight management goals, although, that of course is where I am headed with this post.  

Ask yourself...

  • Are you satisfied with the progress you have made so far in 2012?  
  • Are you going to keep doing what you're doing or start again for the second half of the year?  
  • Did you set goals that were too lofty for you to be able to achieve and so you've become disillusioned and overwhelmed with trying?
  • Has something significant changed since the beginning of the year that has necessitated your changing direction?

Goal Setting... 

Goal setting creates a bridge between today's vision and tomorrow's reality.  Is yours a fragile rope bridge, a set of stepping stones, a broad walk with no railing or a sturdy stone bridge?

... what's your mind-speak?  Do you say...

~  "Yea Yea, I hear ya, but it's not for me - I'm much better off when I can change and alter with the circumstances I find myself in",  or 
~  "If I set myself a goal, it helps me to clearly step from where I am right now into the new reality that I hope to achieve", or is your brain somewhere in-between?

Why do some of us seem to have an easier time with setting goals than others?  The truth is, I have no idea, I am no expert on this topic, but I can speculate from years of working with members of all kinds and with many different motivators.

One of the differences, I believe, lies in our ability to follow through with the goal we've set for ourself.  It goes without saying that setting a goal that is impossible to achieve is destructive and can quickly have us feeling like we've failed, when in fact, there would have been no chance of achieving that which we set ourselves anyway.  On the other hand an achievable goal, once completed, empowers us to want to do more and achieve more.

In the same vein, not stating a goal clearly and precisely has the effect of not defining a finish line, no finish line means there's no end point and therefore no pride in the achievement.

It's not enough to define the goal.  Once we've identified an appropriate, clear and precise goal, the next step is to make a plan that speaks to how we are going to get there.  

Setbacks are going to happen - have you ever known any project you've taken on go so swimmingly that there was no need for you to make any changes to the way you were approaching it?  Apparently Thos. Eddison and Louis Lattimer had over 10,000 prototypes of the lightbulb before they came up with a model they could construct!  How we view setbacks and how quickly we are willing to adjust has a direct impact on the final outcome of the project.

If you don't know what you want to set for yourself as a goal for the balance of the year, here's a quick exercise you can do ...

Take a blank piece of paper and set it down in front of you with a pen at the ready.  Close your eyes and conjure a person, maybe another WW member whom you admire in the meeting, or someone else you know personally, that is a powerful positive influence and role model for you on your weight management journey.

Imagine that this person is setting their goals for the next 6 months; Weight Loss Goals, Behavior Goals, Exercise Goals, Food Shopping Goals, Food Choice Goals --- What do you think THEIR goals are likely to be?  Don't edit your imagination or allow yourself to be influenced by outside notions or limitations of time or other resources.  Decide on 3 goals they may set for their half year.

Now take up the pen and write the 3 goals down.  Space one at the top of the page, one a 1/4 of the way down the page and the final one at the half-page spot.

In the vacant space between them, and for each one, write one paragraph as to how that goal could be beneficial in YOUR life too.  Then take a good look at the words... one of the 3 goals is going to feel more compelling to you in your life than the others.

Now, on the bottom one quarter of the page, I want you to redefine that one goal to be appropriate, precise and clear for your life.  Write 2 short sentences to describe your plan to achieve the goal and what you will do to execute it.  And finally I want you to write a mantra that will keep you on track when the setback happens - make it positive, not negative - here are some examples.

"It's not a race, it's a marathon"
"Steady and slow, learn as you go.  Lose too fast and it may not last"
"The weight did not arrive from the F*t Fairy last night and the Skinny Fairy is busy someplace else today"
Here's one I love 
"When I got a flat tire, I asked for help from the passer by, I did not get out the car and slash the other three"

Here is an example of what I mean:

"I want to lose 15 pound in the second half of this year and I will keep on track by going to meetings each week and trying something new; food or behavior each month.  I plan to have one splurge meal every month for the next 6 months, and I will plan the outing in advance to make the most of it.  
MANTRAThe scale is merely a weight loss tool, not judge, jury and executioner"

News from Weight Watchers:

The Cookies are here!  
The Cookies are here!
The Cookies are here!

3 flavors of the Weight Watchers 
~ Ginger Snaps
~ Iced Lemon Mini Cookies
~ Chocolate Swirl Cookies

Packed in portion controlled bags they're a wonderful treat for $2.95 per box.

* NOTE: members who know this - know this - they're a limited edition which means that they're only made once a year and shipped to us to sell, when they're sold out they're sold out and they ==G=O ==F=A=S=T!!!

Happy 4th everyone :)

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