Monday, July 30, 2012

New Digs! New Start!


This has been a very exciting week in Newton for the Weight Watchers community with the opening of out brand new digs.  If you haven't had a chance to come and take a look yet, I look forward to seeing you there soon.   The comments and feedback from members have been very complimentary; the brightness and welcoming feeling, the fresh colors, the high-tech environment, the clean carpet and the privacy of the weigh in have all received thumbs up!!

The address is 300 Needham Street, Newton - look for our signs and feather flags - you can't miss us!!

What does this mean for those Newton Members?  Several members have already commented about the fact that it feels like an opportunity to make a "new start" on their journey.  Welcome!

Not just for those in Newton - for all members:  I have come to realize in the past 7 years that this is not a "fix it and forget it" process, the human mind (our active and sometimes destructive brains) can so get in the way of our progress.  This seems so counter productive and yet it happens to almost everyone - and I haven't yet figured out why that is ... if you can enlighten me, please feel free to comment on this post ... There's no question that we can learn the theory and understand the benefits of making behavioral changes around our interactions with food and beverages, and indeed, we can follow through with our intentions sometimes and even oftentimes, but making permanent change seems to be out of our reach.  I've also come to the conclusion over the past 7 years that trying to understand our "ridiculousness" around this is futile, I've learned to observe it, accept it and treat it!!

The treatment - or at least some SMALL changes that are possible:

  1. Perseverance (not perfection) is called for.
  2. Begin with a "good" breakfast.
  3. Include plenty of protein and fiber in your daily diet.
  4. Be sure you have a treat every now and then - but understand that that's what it is and plan for it (and track it).
  5. Try and move a little more every day (adding 10 minutes of moving makes a difference).
  6. Drink an extra glass of water if you can - why not make that the first thing you do every day?
  7. Read an article on the Weight Watchers website every few days for inspiration and motivation.
  8. Use fruit instead of processed food for snacks.
  9. Don't let a negative result derail you - take each meal, day, week and weigh-in as a one off.  
  10. Finally and as you know - something I consider the most important commitment to we can make to our-self ... DON'T SKIP YOUR MEETING! 

Recipe for Salad Dressing:

I have been asked to post this recipe which originally came from a member (at Boston University), I can't remember the name of the member that gave it to me and what I did to adapt it, but it is yummy)!

Using a mustard jar that you have almost entirely emptied (you know what I mean, you've used your butter knife and have gotten almost all of the reachable spread, but the nooks and crannies make getting the last few smears impossible to reach).   By the way - I don't measure any ingredients in this so giving you the quantities below is my best guess...
- add 2 or 3 TBSP hot water (not boiling - the glass jar may crack) and about 3/4 to 1 tsp sugar (you can use Splenda if you wish) or honey.  Now put the lid on the jar and shake to release some of the mustard.
- now add about 1/3 of the jar with some acid ( any of these or a mixture of 2 of them... vinegar, lemon juice, balsamic, orange juice, rice wine vinegar, red wine vinegar)
- add about 2 TBSP of olive or canola oil, 1 good TBSP of fat-free plain or vanilla yogurt or fat-free sour cream, a little onion and/or garlic salt, fresh ground pepper and a good tablespoon of chopped capers,
- now put the lid on the jar (cover it with a cloth to catch any drips) and shake "like hell" to combine all the ingredients.

Sometimes I add fresh herbs such as oregano or even dried herbs such as "Herbs de Province".  I count the PPV as 1 for every 2 TBSP of dressing.

Leader Helen Mehok shares her thoughts about her ActiveLink!

As part of the ActiveLink™ pilot program last year, I took my 8-day assessment and was disappointed with my relatively low activity PointsPlus® value of 4 per day. Since losing 62 pounds in 2002, I had really wanted to maintain my weight and get fit. So I worked up to daily exercise—and worked out very hard sometimes, following Jillian Michaels, the Firm DVDs, and using kettle bells. I expected to be at the high end of things after initial assessment. Nope! 
The assessment results were an eye opener. But I accepted them as feedback—not failure, and thanks to ActiveLink, I discovered that I was not moving enough throughout the day even though I exercised regularly. ActiveLink helped me realize that centered exercise is a small component of being fit, healthy, and active. I still do exercise—I’ve been dancing the quickstep, the jive, and swing to name a few types—but I am much more aware of opportunities to be active outside my exercise routines. My dog is happy because he is getting more walks—and strolls and jogs. 

The best news! Over the past year, I was able to lose 14 pounds using the great Weight Watchers® program and ActiveLink. I can't even describe how fantastic it feels losing those stubborn 14 pounds. Before ActiveLink, when I would hear the mantra "eat less, move more", I would ask myself, “how much more can I move?" After ActiveLink, I know the answer. At the risk of sounding dramatic, ActiveLink is a life-changing experience! 

I was very motivated by the progress of the lights on the ActiveLink device—I wanted to get those 4 solid lights! So I’ve been known to take a 15-minute stroll around the block with my dog or take the garbage out to the alley—just to get that last solid light! Every time I see those four solid lights, I feel so empowered. My husband has just agreed to do an ActiveLink assessment and take a challenge! Even Mani the dog has lost 10 pounds. So my advice: Get active with ActiveLink and adopt an overweight dog from a rescue. You’ll both lose—and you’ll both win!    —Helen Mehok

See you at your meeting this week :)

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