Sunday, December 25, 2011

Never Give Up - You're Closer Than You Think!

50 TIPS:
These words of wisdom come from the meeting room - from bona fide members. They were posted by a leader friend; Grace who asked her members to contribute their one success strategy:

~ Don't just rely on the scale for results; look at your shopping cart, your clothing size or your tape measure!
~ Precook oatmeal for the week - 6 cups of water and 3 cups of oatmeal take 15 minutes to cook.  Refrigerate in individual bowls and reheat in the microwave for 1.5 minutes for a quick and filling breakfast every day for the next 6 days.  Even quicker than measuring and pouring cereal and measuring and pouring milk!
~ Smart Ones and other prepared foods work well when I don't have time to cook, but I don't rely on them often because of the salt content.
~ When you've had a hard week and the scale, never-the-less, shows you a loss, don't get cocky.  On the other hand, if you've worked hard and the scale doesn't show the loss you were expecting, have confidence that it'll show up next time so long as you continue to do the "right thing".
~ My motivation is talking about my weight loss. Putting my goals, success and even failures out there for the world to see and hear, on Facebook or on my blog. People are often kinder, more supportive and sympathetic then you would imagine.
~ Meetings, meetings, meetings! ....the research doesn’t lie, they really work!
~ Eat a good breakfast and then you won’t be hungry later in the morning, before it’s time for lunch. You’ll be less likely to binge if you’ve had breakfast.
~ Measure out the portions and put the rest away---out of sight!
~ When it comes to family or close friends, it’s okay to say “no thanks” when they continue to say “oh, just take it, it’s okay”. Put YOU first! 
~ Add a little peanut butter (to taste) to lite or sugar free cool whip and use for a fruit dip.
~ Be sure to carve out time for yourself. 
~ If I get really hungry between meals, I eat an apple because it fills me more than other fruit. 
~ If wanting a drink for the holidays, use diet soda, club soda or Sugar free tonic water. Especially good with wine (spritzer) and nurse it so it looks like you are “party-ing”. They will never know!
~ Make a big veggie and fruit tray in “Christmas colors” for each holiday event. This is like a “safety net” to make sure there is something for you to fill up on.
~ Think about why you started in the first place. I want to be here for my, (kids as long as I can), and when I remember that, I do better on the program. 
~ I always substitute light butter, wheat flour, Splenda and egg whites in all my baking recipes. It cuts down on points+ values.
~ Instead of dessert, try a sugar free latte or flavored coffee! Helps that sweet craving after dinner. Remember skim milk or light whipped cream. 
~ Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. 
~ Revamp your own recipes on Weight Watcher online to reduce the points + of your favorites.
~ Take a picture of your meal (on your phone) so you don’t forget what you ate. 
~ Keep gum handy in your purse of work drawer. 
~ Tips for nibbling while your cook: brush your teeth before cooking, chew gum while cooking, keep a notebook in the kitchen and write down every bite you eat while cooking, track all your points while tasting, purchase an inexpensive sports, mouth guard to wear when you cook...(my favorite)!
~ I have to have food for the grandchildren that are “no-no’s” for me. So I’ve marked the points+ right on the packages and if I decide to join them in eating, that particular snack, I know exactly how many points I’d have to use.
~ I do not allow myself to have my morning snack at work until 10:00 am. I take small bites of my apple and it lasts an hour.
~ Do Weight Watchers or exercise with family and/ or friends. 
~ Have a “game plan” before you get to the table.
~ Dance like no one is watching, eat like someone is!
~ I have come to realize the importance of tracking---if not.... I might not eat enough. 
~ When out shopping and the urge to grab a snack... drive to the grocery store and grab a banana... (And pay for it, ha ha) washing required and zero points!
~ Never give up! Just when you think you’re not doing well, you might get a nice surprise. Sometimes you are doing better than you think.
~ My success is having the family support me, coming to meetings and watching those carbs! 
~The WW Smoothies are my secret weapon. I am a fan of ice cream, but the 1⁄2 cup serving never fills me up. I now make the smoothie in a blender. I add fruit and ice or pumpkin and spices. It is sweet, huge, delicious and satisfying for two points+.
~ If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got.
~ Don’t go to the grocery store hungry and don’t forget to take your calculator. 
~ Stick with it! The program works! I have been a Lifetime member since fall of 2009 and still come to meetings every week. I feel good about me and won’t go back to where I was. 
~ I love dipping celery sticks in salsa for a snack. 
~ When going out remember to take half home. Two meals for one price.
~ Eat something for breakfast, even if it is only a banana, apple, or yogurt. Get your internal engine started with fuel.
~ At a buffet walk around and look at your options then make a smart choice.
~ When putting food on the plate, remember you should be able to see the plate! (Space between the food, think islands not continents.)
~ You must learn how to eat in any situation.
~ Never eat anything right out of the bag or box. 
~ Keep yourself focused and busy to avoid mindless eating.
~ Before going out to eat, think about the choices on the menu that will be right for you.
~ Choose to be healthy. 
Don't assume anything - read the nutrition label for yourself.
~ Watch your portions.
~ Don't act as if it's your only chance to eat. With every food that crosses your path, remind yourself that you'll have plenty of chances later to eat.
~ Keep your eye on the prize. Before you take a bite or hit snooze (instead of hitting the gym), remember your goals.
~ Think positively about your weight loss pursuit and believe in yourself that you can do it. Forget about your past failures. Look ahead and never give up.
Weight Watchers suggests that a healthy rate of weight loss is between 1/2 and 2 LBS per week.  Knowing that, does that change your thoughts about your own weight loss journey?  

Furthermore, think about this ... is it time to set a first goal for yourself for 2012? What about a goal by Feb 14 - Valentine's Day?  Come to your meeting this week (or another one if you can't make it to yours), lets review 2011 and look forward to 2012.
AND finally
"Tell me what you eat, I'll tell you who you are." 
~Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Come back to the blog on Wednesday for a wonderful recipe to cook yourself into the NEW YEAR!

Happy Holidays Everyone 

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