Sunday, April 1, 2012

Don't Fool Yourself; Meetings Work!

Why is it that members who attend meetings lose more weight than those who don't?  Significantly so....

Tough Question - right!  After all; we know that we should eat healthy foods, we know that to lose weight we have to reduce our calorie intake and we know that too many adult beverages cause weight gain.   

We try and try to go it alone, we somehow believe that the theory of "meetings work" refers to the other guys!  I had the same belief until I was open to hearing the truth; and being open to the idea of attending meeting resulted in weight loss of more than 100 pounds.

NOW I hear it week after week from members; they tell me that when they miss a week, it is so much harder to stick with it, food becomes even more tempting and weight management becomes harder and harder as the missed weeks go by.

Here are some member comments that I found online:

This member is in VA

I really didn't think I'd like the meetings.  I'm a pretty quiet person so I don't say too much at them.  I pretty much know most of the stuff that they talk about.  However, the reinforcement of those things seems to really help me.  I lost 12 lbs the first time I joined.  Never regained it.  I joined again and I'm down another 10+ lb. and very close to my ultimate goal.  The accountability keeps me in line and sharing successes with the other group members is very inspiring.  We're all genuinely happy for each other when we're losing and genuinely commiserate when we feel hopeless. 

This member lost 75 LBS in 2005 and now works for WW

The meetings were critical for me during my weight loss because the support of other members and the leader as well as the accountability of the weigh in.  I learned how to cook for myself and exercise in ways that have really changed my life for the better in countless ways.  Though I did the hard work of losing the weight, I give the WW program credit for the structure I needed in order to learn how to do everything I have done!

This is a member offering advice to a woman who was reticent to join

Instead of thinking this is some place you are going to "get fixed" think of it as a group of friends that are like you and want to share in all their good fortune because finding WW is good fortune for you!  Believe, truly believe that at the size you are now is ok, but that you want to be even better.  You are beautiful, caring, funny, helpful and all the wonderful adjectives that everyone knows you are now.  No fat person is ugly.  I like to use the word fat because we need to make that not an ugly word. BTW, I always feel I am beautiful and I started WW at 362 lb.  I will always be beautiful and you are too!  Now, go out and meet those new friends of yours and have fun!!!!

If you've been trying to go it alone
 because you believe you know what you have to do without sitting through a meeting.  If you've been running in to "weigh-in and run" because you're so busy.  If you've stopped coming to Weight Watchers altogether because the last time you tried, something got in your way; you are only HINDERING yourself and making it harder for yourself to achieve YOUR GOALS.

It's time to change your thinking right now, today, PLAN to attend a meeting this week:  If you're worried or scared of the "truth" from the scale or you're concerned that I or the staff will somehow ridicule or humiliate you, or worse; that you'll beat yourself up, come in just to talk to us and let us give you a warm welcome and help you to get back on track.

IF, on the other hand, you're one of my members who come to Weight Watchers every week and stick around for the meeting; I'd love it if you'd share your success, your tips and strategies with the returners and please please help them feel welcome and supported.
SPRING is here and we deserve to feel amazing & I know a place where you can!

As we approach Holy Week and Passover, I wanted to wish everyone a Very Happy Pesach and a Very Happy Easter.

P.S. The Seder Points are on the  "Insider Trading"  Tab - look at the top of the blog page.

Oh, one more thing - I have also JUST posted an article from Weight Watchers in the "Survival Guide" Tab - "Beat the Lunch-Prep Crunch"

You're going to find some products on SALE in the meeting room this week.  Plan ahead; bring your pennies if you would like to purchase Popped Chips, Baked Pretzels and Cheese Twists or the newest line of 3PPV Snack Bars  - they're all on sale for $3.95 (usually $4.95)

New Weight Watchers Products To Look Out For In Your Supermarket.

100% Whole Wheat Wraps 
Perfect for sandwiches and Mexican-style meals. Each wrap has 120 calories, 7 grams of fiber and a PointsPlus® value of just 2 per wrap! 

Reduced Fat Whipped Cream Cheese Spread 
Indulgence is back with this creamy, easy-to-spread goodness—at only 2 PointsPlus value per serving! With less fat than regular whipped cream cheese, plus added fiber, it's an indulgence you feel good about.

Reduced Fat Whipped Strawberry Cream Cheese Spread
This creamy, delicious whipped cream cheese freshens up breakfast with its decadent, fruity flavor for just 2 PointsPlus value per serving. Enjoy great taste and the benefits of added fiber while cutting the fat of regular whipped strawberry cream cheese.
Reduced Fat Whipped Onion and Chive Cream Cheese Spread 
Enjoy this savory whipped treat on bagels, sandwiches, veggies and more, for only 2 PointsPlus value per serving. It has less fat than regular whipped onion and chive cream cheese, added fiber, and all the flavor you seek.

And, by the way, if your favorite Weight Watchers Products are not in your local store - click on this link to see many of the products available - you should drop a note off the the store manager requesting that the product you want is stocked there.  (Weight Watchers has provided a link to a comment card on the website in the products page).

Girl Scout Cookies VS Weight Watchers Mini Bars!

It’s that time of year again, when cookie boxes show up at your door at the hand of a smiling neighbor, family member, or co-worker. Before you know it, you have boxes and boxes of cookies sitting around, and let’s face it, it’s tough to hold back. Sure they taste good, but have you ever calculated the PointsPlus® values of a Samoa, Thin Mint, or Tagalong? Head to head, Weight Watchers Mini Bars are a better choice—Scout’s honor!

For almost every favorite cookie flavor, Weight Watchers has an equally as yummy Mini Bar offering.  Power through Girl Scout cookie season on Plan:
~  If you like Samoas, you’ll love Toasted Coconut Dream.
~  If you love the peanut butter or chocolate in Tagalongs/Peanut Butter Patties, the new Praline Nut Cluster or Chocolate Pretzel Blast will satisfy your craving for something sweet and salty.
~  Savannah smiles but our Lemon Mousse Pie also gets you grinning.
~  Caramel deLites? We have our very delightful Chocolate Caramel Mini Bar.
  • Our Mini Bars are only 2 PointsPlus values per serving while for 2 smaller cookies, you are looking at 4 to 5 PointsPlus values.
  • Our Mini Bars have less sugar and more fiber.
  • Our Mini Bars have built in portion control. We all know that one or two cookies leads to half a box.
It’s true that the cookie sales are for a good cause, so if you must order them, try some of these tactics: Make a straight-up donation instead of purchasing cookies altogether; Share boxes you do buy with friends and colleagues; portion cookies into individual serving sizes; and/or freeze boxes for later.

One Last Thing -
PPV for Beer and Wine
If you leave the cap on or the cork in the bottle -

                             April Fool!                          
             Sorry, couldn't resist the temptation   

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