Sunday, April 8, 2012

Don't Pretend!

This has been a tough weekend for so many of us because there have been so many temptations around.  A lot of "trophy eating", delicacies and traditional foods we only see once in a while and lots of what my mother called "fet maak goed" - (It's Afrikaans) translated.. "fat making (fattening) foods".

It got me to thinking that in these types if situations, sometimes we pretend.  We try and fool ourselves, our loved ones and the folks at the meeting...

I can think of at least three ways we pretend:

1. We convince ourself somehow that we didn't eat the "object of our desire" this year, that we were super good and watched others enjoy it and that we vicariously enjoyed it through them.  Then comes weigh-in day - the red flag in our head says... "if you go to weigh-in, the scale will show you what you really did"  ---- so what do we do?  I'll tell you; we skip the weigh-in altogether or we go and weigh-in at another center where no-one knows us... right?  I know, I've done that!  So, be honest with yourself - don't pretend!
SOLUTION: Face the demon, it'll help you grow!

2.  We work very hard to have the loved ones around us focus on someone else and not watch us eat... "I'm fine, I'm not tempted, go and play with the children".  Then, when no-one's looking we grab a quickie bite or two.  "One or two bites won't hurt, right"?  "No one saw me eat is so it doesn't count on my tracker"!  Or how about "I am really only doing it so prevent myself from eating a whole plate-full"!

Arghhh, I've done that too!  What happens at the scale?  Yup another gain and it could be on top of a gain last week or the week before and we don't want to see another one, so "I won't go this week, yeah, now that's a great idea.  I'll just lose this weight this week and go back to WW next week"!  Really - and what makes us think that we can do that?
SOLUTION: ask for help, don't chase loved ones away, let them help us to stick with it in tough situations.

3.  How about the pretense at the meeting?  How many times, and be honest, have you said to fellow members at your meeting (or the staff)... "I HONESTLY did not eat a thing"?  "I stuck to it all week, there is NO way I should have gained this week"!  And yet the scale went the wrong way.  "It must be the scale you know"!  Or "It must be the diet... yeah, that's it, the diet has way too much fruit"!  Don't pretend at the meeting, the one thing is for sure we have all been in those same shoes.  Gosh, the one place where you can be honest and get help is at the meeting!  We, your fellow members and the staff at your meeting are here for YOU and the likelihood is that we have all, at some time, had to be truthful and had to face up to our challenges.

That's what they are; challenges to overcome, not weakness, not badness, not stupidity, not lameness and not laziness.  Let's help each other, we can laugh about the behavior or cry about it and support one another and be there for each other - come to your meeting this week.
The bottom line is that when we forsake the PRETENDING, magic begins to happen, ask a lifetime member at your meeting or ask a member who loses consistently, they'll tell you!

The $3.95 Sale:

~~ This week and next, stock up on Popped Chips (BBQ, Cinnamon Swirl and Zesty Cheese), Roasted Salsa Multigrain Crisps, Cheddar Twists and the NEW flavor in the family ... "Pinch of Pepper Pretzel Thins"  $3.95
~~ The NEW 3PPV Snack Bar line is also on sale for $3.95.  
The usual price of all these items is $4.95.

Mother's Day is May 13, 2012

I have a wonderful idea for a gift this year:
There is a new cookbook that is debuting in time for you to give one to your mom (or yourself) for Mother's Day.  Why not pre-order it from me to ensure you get a copy?

Tastier Than Takeout recreates dishes from your favorite diner and deli, including BLTs and Turkey Burgers.  The book is filled with instructions to prepare restaurant favorites at home in 30 minutes or less and save not only on money but on PointsPlus® values, too!

Price is $9.95.

To Pre-Order, please send me an email with "Cookbook Order" in the subject line to  Let me know which meeting you attend and your full name.  IMPORTANT:  DO NOT send Credit Card information in the email - this is not a secure email address.  

I will make sure your book is ready for pickup the week before Mother's Day.


If you are a lifetime member or a member that is less than 10LBS from your lifetime goal and you'd like to find out more information about a Weight Watchers Career as a Leader or Receptionist, you're invited . . .

WE WILL BE HOLDING AN EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION SESSION on Saturday April 28, at 1:30 - 3:00 PM at the Newton Weight Watchers Center, 244 Needham Street, Newton.

Send me your RSVP so I can reserve a seat for you at the event.

AND Finally:  “We are what we pretend to be, but we better be very careful what we pretend.” Anonymous.

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