Monday, January 2, 2012


Tasty, filling and a Nina original - it takes a little more work that the usual everyday filling soup, but it's worth the effort for the flavor.

Roasted Cauliflower Cheese Soup
Serves 8
PPV per serving 2

1 medium head of cauliflower - sliced into 3/4 inch thick slices
sprinkling of garlic salt
1 TBSP olive oil
1/2 cup (1 small) diced celery root (celeriac)
1/4 cup diced red onion
48 oz low sodium chicken broth
Celeriac is an untidy 
looking root.  It's 
fairly easy to peel 
with a knife.
2 tsp dried thyme
2 bay leaves
ground black pepper
3 TBSP grated Parmesan cheese

~ Preheat the oven to 450 deg and prepare a baking sheet by covering with aluminium foil and a coating of olive oil spray or other non-stick spray.
~ Slice the cauliflower into cross-section slices about 3/4" thick and lay them on the pan, spray with the olive oil spray and sprinkle with garlic salt.  Roast in the oven, turning the slices over to cook evenly for about 20 - 25 minutes until soft and with touches of golden brown.
~ In a large, heavy bottomed pot, heat the oil and saute the onion and celeriac until softened and translucent.  Add the roasted cauliflower, the thyme, bay leaves, pepper and the broth.  Put a lid on the pot and cook for 30 minutes.
~ Fish out the bay leaves before blending the soup with your jug or stick blender.
~ Upon serving - once you've ladled it into bowls top off with a rounded teaspoon of grated Parmesan cheese.
Yields 8 cups.

Come on back to the blog on Sunday for your next posting.
Enjoy the rest of your week.

Oh, and by the way - DON'T SKIP your meeting :)

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