Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thrive or Survive; You Choose

Dieting is like clipping a weed at the ground surface--as long as the root is intact, the weight will come back.  So, you gotta dig up the roots!

Clearly, it goes without saying, digging up the roots means we have to do something different, we have to dig deeper into out psyche and into our commitment and we have to approach weight loss in a way we have not done up till now.  This will truly make the difference between whether we feel like we're surviving a diet or thriving on it.

First things first -- changing our ENVIRONMENT; this will lead to changes in our behaviors, which in turn leads us to notice our capabilities.   Belief in our ability to do this grows and ultimately we become the new, healthier and slimmer person we want to be!

I just Googled "Change your environment, change your life" - try it... there are over 385 million results on that topic alone!

Think about the difference between the way you are in your space when it's neat and tidy vs the way you interact when it's in a mess.  Believe me, this is an area that I can use improvement on, so I am definitely not speaking to you from a "Holier than thou" place.  I do try to keep the kitchen; the physical space, the cupboards and the fridge tidy and I have a rule for myself that I don't go to bed leaving dirty dishes to do tomorrow!

When the rest of the house it untidy and I can't find things or I am looking at the mess--that messes with my mind.  I find I become paralyzed by my space being in a mess and it happens so quickly.  I am not going to list ways to takle the mess; strategies are all over the internet, the take away message from this blog message is simply that when it's tidy and neat, our space can support our efforts.

Challenge yourself this week to take a look at your environment, identify 3 tasks you can take on to change the way you are in your space and go ahead and tackle them.  Write to me and let me know what you do.

Ever thought you might like to work for Weight Watchers?  
I have to tell you that as I've been going around doing my meetings this week, I've been reflecting on how much I enjoy what I do.  I, as you know, work many hours a week doing this - full time equivalent.  But that's not the norm, lots of my colleagues work 2, 3 or 4 meetings (some meetings are back to back), the neat thing is that you get to decide how much time you want to do.  

There are 2 roles: receptionist and leader.   Each are unique and both require specific skills.  Both roles are crucial to the success of members.  Are you close to, or at, your goal weight, have you got a kind heart, a belief in the program and a few hours a week?  Why not take those and turn them into a few $ of pocket money?

We are about to begin a recruitment drive, if you want to get a jump on finding out more, this link will take you to the space on the Weight Watchers website where you can find more information and take the plunge.  Good Luck!  (And, P.S., please mention that I am your referrer - thanks).

Jennifer's Book
Jennifer's book is #8 on N.Y. Times best sellers list. Go Jennifer!

A personal and inspirational memoir from Grammy and Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson, focused on her amazing transformation as she embraced a healthy lifestyle and lost over eighty pounds.

This uplifting memoir tells the story of Jennifer's meteoric rise from American Idol to Dreamgirls to her amazing weight loss on the mega blockbuster Weight Watchers diet plan. With the Weight Watchers brand endorsing her, Jennifer gives her fans tips for embracing a healthy lifestyle in order to lose weight and reclaim their bodies. 

Full of stories from her American Idol days, her experience acting in Dreamgirls, and how her son inspired her to want to live healthfully, this book is a gift for her millions of fans and an inspiration for anyone struggling with weight issues.

If you are in one of my meetings that's not held at Newton Center - Please email me with your order for the book and I'll be sure to bring it to you at your meeting, the discounted price through the meeting room is $16.95.

I want to finish the blog, this week, by celebrating the 13 members who achieved major weight milestones:
4 who were awarded a 5% award
3 who were awarded a 10% award
1 person who achieved a 25# weight loss
1 person who achieved a 60# weight loss
2 people who achieved a 75# weight loss
1 person who has attained their goal weight, and
1 person who attained LIFETIME STATUS.  
Yippeee to all of you!

PLUS the hundreds of pounds lost throughout my groups -- I counted the actual pounds lost by everyone this week.  You should applaud yourself; we're collectively 384 pounds lighter than last week:  Mazel-tov!

Mosey on back here on Wednesday next week for another recipe. 

Oh, almost forgot GO PATS!

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